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"Matt" I spin round on his desk chair to face him.

"Yeah" he looks up from his phone, his bottom lip between his teeth.

"I have nothing to pack" I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them "i left all my clothes at home"

"Oh shit" he presses his lips into a thin line "well, you can use some of my stuff"

I give him a puzzled look.

"We're going for like two weeks right?"

"Well yeah but we can also buy you some stuff when we're there" he suggests, grabbing a suitcase from under his bed.

"Here, you can have a look through my clothes, pick what you like" he unzips it.

I stand up and walk over to him "really?"

"Yeah!" He says smiling "of course. Help yourself"

"Thanks Matt" I smile up at him, a slight heat in my cheeks.

"You're welcome"

After rummaging through his draws I find a few t shirts and shorts that i liked. Stuff that I could wear in the heat because I'm guessing it will be hot. Then I grab a pair of sweats to wear on the flight later tonight.

"Ok im done. You can pack now" I say zipping up the suitcase.

"Alright kiddo, move out the way" he hops up from the bed and moves me aside by my waist, so he can pull out another suitcase from under his bed.

My face blushes uncontrollably as I stand there unable to move my body.

"You ok?" He notices my silence.

"Oh-uh yeah, yeah I'm ok" I give him a quick smile, not being able to hold the eye contact as I lay down in his bed and pull the covers over me.

"You sure?" His eyes scan my face.

"Mhm" I mumble nervously.

The drive there was really fun. Chris immediately connected to the aux and we listened to music on the way. We laughed and sang along to Chris's playlist he spent all day crafting.

It was late. The sky was dark, stars started to appear. Matt and Chris are arguing in the front meanwhile Nick is fast asleep on my shoulder. I think about my mom, what she must be doing right now. Is she hurt? Is she thinking of me? Knowing her she's probably forgotten about me already. Why can't I have a normal life like other people?....

The thoughts linger in my mind as I stare out through the window, leaning my head back against the headrest. I watch the streetlights as they pass, their orange tint was calming in a way. Then my attention averts to the stars. They were small, barely noticeable. You couldn't notice them unless you focused really really hard, but they were there.

I exhale tiredly, washing the negative thoughts about my mom away. I look towards the boys at the front, Matt was focused on the road, tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat of the music while Chris scrolled through his phone. I grinned, thinking about how much they meant to me. Even at the most insignificant of times, just taking a drive in the car, it reminds me that this is my safe space. They are my safe space. No matter where I am or what's going on in my life, as long as im with them i feel like everything is going to be ok.

Before I know it my eyes begin to feel heavy and I doze off against Nicks head.

"Ok we're here! Nick! Y/n! Wake up!" Matt yells, pulling into a parking space.

"Already?" Nick groans, batting his eyes a few times.

"Im up" I yawn stretching my arms.

We get out of the car and grab our bags from the back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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