The run

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I've been living with the boys over the last 5 days while going to work as usual. It's been chaotic to say the least. Matt and I weren't exactly on speaking terms. Well, more so I wasn't on speaking terms. He on the other hand loved to tease and mock me every chance he got. At first the intentions were humorous but started to get more and more spiteful. After a while he began to stop because he caught on that I was getting increasingly annoyed.

After the video, I avoided him for the rest of the day. Of course that didn't stop him from making his sly comments. I usually don't hold a grudge but he was very consistent at getting under my skin.

"There's dinner downstairs for when you're hungry" Matt states, peering his head into Chris's room.

I lay there alone facing the wall in his bed, resting my eyes after a long shift.

"Mhm" I mumble.

"...You sleep a lot" he says after a pause.

I turn over swiftly and glare at him in the doorway.

"Are you kidding me?" I scoff.

"What? You do" he says sounding surprised that I have any reason to take that personally.

"Fuck off and leave me alone Matt" I gnarl, turning back to the wall.

"This isn't your room. I'm free to walk in and out as I please" he remarks.

"Matt please, get out" I groan, shoving my face into the pillow.

"Don't feel like it" he shuts the door behind him, making his way over to Chris's desk and sitting at it.

"Matt! Get out!" I scream into the pillow.

"If you get out of bed and go have dinner then you won't have to deal with me" he explains plainly.

"MATT PLEASE! I'm tired!"

"How can you possibly be exhausted when you sleep 23 out of the 24 hours in a day?" He chuckles.

"Are you fucking kidding me Matt?!" I sit up abruptly.

He doesn't acknowledge my anger, instead faces away from me at the computer.

"I've been working my ass off all day!!" I yell, feeling the fury in my chest grow.

"And?" He questions uninterested.

"And it's fucking exhausting!! I had to wake up at 5am this morning, and if I recall correctly, you were only just going to sleep!!!"

I can almost hear him roll his eyes.

"Ive been up and down the same stupid diner with literally no help and I've had customers yelling down my ear all day long! The least you could do is let me sleep and GET OUT"

"I think you're over exaggerating a bit, don't you think?" He turns his head to me with an emotionless face.

I look at him in utter shock, clenching my jaw as I inhale deeply. In that moment I swear I could've strangled him.

"I hate you!" I yell, pushing myself off the bed and grabbing my keys off the bedside table.

I then angrily throw on a jacket and storm out of the room.

"Where are you going?!" He questions, following me down the stairs to the front door. Everyone was in the living room eating dinner and Im sure they could hear the commotion.

"HOME!" I pull on my shoes and start tying the laces.

"Y/n you can't walk home right now, it's getting dark" he stands beside me as i fishing tying them.

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