Dismal cycle

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"You tired?" Matt notices me yawn while I rub my eyes.


I could feel me start to blink slowly as I look at him across from me, tucking my hands into the pocket of my hoodie.

"Well it's 2am now so I'll walk you upstairs" he jumps off the counter and comes to stand in front of me.

"Come on" he grabs my arms, pulling them out of my pocket to help me off the kitchen island.

I grab hold of his biceps as he lifts me slightly so I could hop down. And when my feet meet the floor he lets go and I give him a tired smile.


We make our way up the stairs, him making sure I was in front so he could follow. My feet slowly drag towards Chris's room before I stop at the door, turning round to him.

"I'm keeping my promise on hanging out" I say, turning the knob and opening the door.

"Good" he smiles, resting one hand on the wall beside him.

"Okay well...night" I whisper leaning my cheek against the door.

"Night" he starts to pace backwards to his room, keeping his eyes on mine.

I watch until he turns around, walking into his room but not before glancing back at me. When I see him disappear behind the door I turn around and smile to myself. My eyes close as I think about what just happened, feeling my stomach flutter as chills rush through my spine. I refrain from giggling seeing as Chris was still asleep and I crawl in next to him.

Nicks words echo in my head as I close my eyes, peacefully sighing to myself. He so has a crush on you too.

Those words never failed to drive me insane; into a mental overload of questions and fears. But this time was different. I felt more content about it. Calm. And for what reason I don't know. But it felt nice...

And before I know it, I drift off to sleep.


The next day I hang out with the triplets, we just stayed at home all day and chilled. Played Mario cart and what not.

But unfortunately as the night came along, I had to head home because I had work the next day. So after grabbing my stuff from upstairs, I say goodbye to the boys and their parents.

"We'll come over some time this week and see you" Nick says giving me a soft embrace.

"Oh I'm sure you will. Text me so I actually know when you're going to break and enter my home yeah" I laugh.

"Well we're not breaking because we have a key, so technically we're just entering" Chris speaks, wrapping an arm around me and kissing my head.

"Jeez, alright Einstein" I scoff.

"Hey, do want me to drive you home?" Matt offers, picking up my bag from off the floor and handing it to me.

"You sure?" I ask, throwing it over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll give you a ride" he says, opening the front door and grabbing the keys.

"Okay sure" I step outside and go over to the van, waiting for Matt to unlock it while he shuts the door behind him. We get into the van and he starts driving to mine. The drive was silent, but a comfortable silence. Or that was until he broke it.

"When are you free to hang out then?" He glances out at the road, gripping onto the wheel while I stare out the window at the tapping droplets of rain.

"Oh um" I turn to him, "I'm not working thursday, we can do something then".

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