Such a gentleman..

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I wake up to the sun shining through my window and my eyes flutter open only to find that my head in resting on Matt's shoulder. My eyes grow huge as I freeze in a state of panic. My cheek is literally pressed up against him but i was too scared to move in case I wake him.

The rest of the bed was completely empty, lacking both Chris and Nick's presence.

I look up at Matt, resting peacefully. My eyes scan his face, lips slightly parted with his scruffy hair covering his eyes. He's so pretty when he sleeps, he just seems so calm and gentle...

Y/n snap out of it!


I move move away from him, slowly and carefully trying to be as stealthy as possible.

Please don't wake up, please don't wake up.

"Mmm" he groans tiredly.


I watch as he furrows his eyebrows, keeping his eyes closed as his hands search the empty space next to him. I hold my breath, hoping he'd just fall back asleep but then one of his eyes squint open.

I hesitate, holding my hands up to my chest, not knowing what to do. I cant pretend to be asleep now, he's already seen that I'm awake.

My body stays frozen, heart going a thousand beats per minute as he moves over to me. What the hell is he doing?

Chills run through my body as his arm slings over my waist, laying his head carelessly on my chest. My eyes are glued to his every movement, my body incapable of knowing what to do.

His arm tighten around my body, sort of snapping me back to reality. It's Matt, I just need to take a breath and calm down. He's my best friend not a ticking time bomb.

The tension in my limbs relax, and I move my arms to wrap around him, pausing for a second before I fully embrace him.

I let my fingers play with his brown locks. They were so soft and silky, I really envied his hair.

"Hmm, that's nice..." he mumbles with a raspy voice. I smile in response and continue to run my fingers through his hair.

The fresh smell of bacon enters my room and a subtle sense of alarm fills my gut. That means that Chris and Nick are cooking breakfast downstairs and I DO NOT trust them with cooking. They're just terrible at it.

Now I'm not saying the food that they make doesn't taste good, but they don't know the first thing about health and safety. Matt on the other hand, is the only triplet i actually trust to cook.

"You smell that?" I try to grab matts attention so he can get off me and I can avoid any potential fire hazards that my house is currently at risk of.

"Bacon" Matt smiles, rolling onto his back and stretching his arms above his head.

"Right okay im going to go check that the boys haven't burned my kitchen down"

Matt chuckles tiredly, propping himself up on his elbows while he watches me hop out of bed. I slip my sliders on and flash him a smile before rushing quickly downstairs.

When I step into the kitchen I see Chris at the stove frying some eggs in his favourite staycoolnyc sweats and white tank top. Nick was grabbing plates out of the cupboard, turning around to see me.

"Oh hey y/n" he smiles, laying them out on the table.

I reply with silence, inspecting the area for any broken glass or mess of food. But the kitchen was spotless. I cant lie, I was impressed.

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