Flour you with hate

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The slightest movement next to me stirs me awake and my eyes flutter open. It was still night and the room was dark. I couldn't have been asleep for long. My arms help me bring myself up to sit when I spot Matt walking around to the foot of my bed, grabbing his hoodie from off the floor. He only manages to get his arms through the sleeves when he turns his head to me, and it's brought to his attention that Im awake.

"Oh, you're awake" he throws the rest of the hoodie on, pulling his hood over his head.

"Where are you going?" I ask in a whisper, looking at him with a frown.

"Home" he says scratching his jaw.
"I mean, I figured that since I've been invading your space all day you'd want to be left alone to sleep" he snickers.

I stare at his face for a moment, watching as his grin slowly fades as he flashes me a curious look.

"No.." i murmur, letting my hands rest in my lap.

"You want me to stay?" he questions tilting his head with a smirk.

"Mhm" I hum, nodding my head.

I hear him exhale before pulling off his hoodie, tossing it to the floor.

"You sure?" he looks down at me, scratching the back of his head.

I reply with silence, moving over a little and laying back down hoping that was enough of a response for him. He then lifts the covers and climbs in next to me.

I hug the hot water bottle close to me, turning over to get more comfortable. I hear him pause momentarily, before sighing and turning over as well.

Chris' voice yells short and sharp.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Nick's voice follows.

I squint one eye open to peer at the two boys stood at the foot of my bed with faces of disbelief and shock. Their mouths hung open, with a cheeky grin growing out the side. Chris' eyes were wide, flickering between the both of us.

I was confused at first, until I noticed what they were so shocked by. Matt and I were no longer facing away from each other to put it short. In fact, my leg rested over his hip and his arms were wrapped around my waist, holding us both so close there was not even an inch of space between us.

My breath hitches as I look up at his face, while he stares back at me with wide eyes. Out of instinct we both move away from each other and sit up against the headboard. I bring my knees up to my chest, gripping the sheets as I stare speechless at the boys.

The room goes silent for a while before Chris breaks the tension.

"Matt what the hell are you doing here?" Chris questions him, making Matt look at me briefly before looking back at him.

"Y/n was ill, so I came to make sure she was ok" Matt yawns, not sounding the slightest bit nervous.

I side eye him to find him running a hand through his hair and getting up from the bed to throw his hoodie back on.

"You guys had a sleep over without us?!" Nick says in offence, eyes following Matt while Chris' stays on me.

"I guess" Matt shrugs, sitting back on the bed.

"Ugh, I'm actually shocked" Nick says in disgust, placing his hand on his chest.

I snicker at him before looking down at my lap.

"Jesus guys we've been freaking out all morning trying to call you" Chris moans kicking off his shoes and shrugging off his jacket.

"Yeah Matt we didn't know where the hell you were" Nick adds.

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