V •~-~• "Shit, Five,"

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GRACE STOOD IN the doorway to the common room, ringing a small golden bell that Hargreeves' made her ring whenever dinner was ready. Eight 13-year-olds clamored down the stairs and into the room. They made their way to their respective seats around the dining table, waiting for their father to tell them it was time to sit. Heavy footsteps vibrated the marble floors and made their way to the head chair at the front of the table. This was Sir Reginald Hargreeve's seat. The kids waited until they were told to-

"Sit." Hargreeves' demanded, pulling out his own chair to sit down in.

The siblings sat, and all began to dig into their food. Luther and Allison shared a glance at each other, smiling when they both looked away. Diego furiously sharpened a knife under the table as Klaus rolled a joint across from him. Ben was reading his favorite book, next to him, Vanya, chowing on her mashed potatoes. Five glared at his father from across the table, itching with anticipation and hatred. Angel was not present at the table, however, she watched her family enjoy their dinner without her and watched as no one bothered to ask if she was gonna join. She wasn't, but it would've been nice if someone asked. Five slammed his knife into the wood, alerting everyone at the table, even Angel.

"Number Five?" Reginald commanded, allowing Five to speak.

Five rested his chin on his hands, "I have a question."

Reginald did not bother to look up from his plate, "Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during meal times. You are interrupting Herr Carlson."

Five pushed his plate to the middle of the table, "I want to time travel."

"No," Reginald simply declined.

Angel glanced between Five and her father, knowing that this would escalate quickly. In a small, evil part of her, she wanted it to.

"But I'm ready," Five stood, pushing his chair back, "I've been practicing my spatial jumps just like you said." A light blue glow emitted around Five before he appeared at Reginald's side. "See?"

Hargreeves continued to scrape at his plate, "A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along thin ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." He took a sip of his wine.

Five shook his head, "Well, I don't get it."

Reginald set his glass down, "Hence the reason you're not ready."

Five glanced back at Vanya, who shook her head at him, warning him not to dig his own grave, but Five never listened to anyone, including himself.

"I'm not afraid,"

"Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable," Reginald dropped his utensils. "Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore."

Five huffed and turned his back running to the door.

"Number Five! You haven't been excused!"

Angel followed him with her gaze, gnawing on her bottom lip. Don't. Don't. Shit. Angel stood and ran after him.

"Number Eight!"

Five slammed the gates open and turned down the street. Angel hurried down the steps and watched as he marched down the sidewalk.

"Hey," her voice was barely a croak. "No."

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