XI •~-~• "A Kid With A Shrapnel Wound"

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"I KNOW THIS Jenkin's dude has to have a record," Diego said as he turned off the car, "We just gotta get our hands on his file."

Allison and Angel sat next to each other in the back, with Five in the passenger next to Diego. Angel felt this sort of... perverse vibe of male dominance, but maybe it was just her.

"And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?" Allison asked.

"I know the station like the back of my hand, sis. Spent a lot of time inside," Diego said as he watched the mirror.

Angel rolled her eyes and watched out the window. Diego was too cocky for his own good.

Allison nodded her head at Diego, "Handcuffed."

"Whatever, here's the plan-"

"Plan?" Five cocked an eyebrow, "I'm just gonna blink in and get the file."

Diego shook his head, "No, that's not... you don't know the in's and out's of this place, okay?"

"I literally just did this yesterday,"

Angel blinked at him.

Five saw the confused looks on their faces, "My yesterday, not your yesterday. It'll take me two seconds, why don't I just go?"

"Listen to me, you are not going in there. I made a call, that's what a leader does; he leads."

Angel thinned her lips and cocked an eyebrow. When Diego got out of the car, Angel barreled after, not being able to sit in a car any longer, causing Five and Allison to follow. They stood around a phone booth as Allison attempted to call Vanya. Five and Angel stood against the wall, holding a conversation.

"Did you read my note?" Five asked, not sparing a glance toward her.

Angel nodded while crossing her arms.

"You know it's brain damage, right?" He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at the girl.

Angel stared at the ground, not bothering to spare a glance as she wondered where he was going with this.

Five sighed, "Speech limitations are most commonly caused by an injury that damages the parts of the brain responsible for speech, such as Broca's area, which is behind the left eye." Five glanced at her again, watching for a reaction. "Or it can be caused by improper learning, which for you, doesn't make sense." Five scooted closer to the wall, propping his foot up to keep him steady and shoving his hands in his pockets.

Angel shrugged and continued to stare at the ground.

Five leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Did Dad ever hit you?"

Angel looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. Five's hot breath rolled across her face, smelling faintly of mint and whiskey. Their faces were only five inches apart, tension being the only thing holding them upright.

"As a kid, you could talk for days, so you must've hit your head pretty hard on something," Five glanced to her left temple, "Judging by that scar, I know something had to happen."

Angel froze. She hadn't recalled anything that could've permanently messed with her brain, let alone, hitting her head on something. Then again, if she could, she probably wouldn't be in this situation. But she did, however very faintly, remembered a sliver of something. Hargreeves was there and there was a lot of red. And as far as the scar on her head, she'd had it all her life, as far as she knew. It stretched from the corner of her eye, and did a 'U' shape to the left side of her forehead. The more Angel thought about it, the more it sounded scarily accurate. When Angel opened her mouth to say, what she hoped was something, Diego waltzed around the corner holding a folder.

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