XII •~-~• "Snickerdoodles"

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THE MORNING AFTER, Angel had woken up alone in Five's bed. She hadn't recalled getting into bed. She got out of bed, not bothering to change her uniform, and headed down to the cellar for something to eat. As she made her way down, she heard her siblings talking.

"No, dad wouldn't just kill himself," Luther said.

"Ah, you said it yourself," Five reminded, "He was depressed. Holed up in his office in his room all day and night."

Luther shook his head, "No, there weren't any signs. Suicidal people exhibit certain tendencies, strange behaviors."

"Like, sending someone to the moon for no reason?" Klaus asked, waving a spatula to the sky. "Like someone who doesn't talk or communicate with anyone at all?"

"Angel isn't suicidal." Five sat his coffee down, "She talks."

Klaus's jaw fell ajar, "That prickly bitch, so she talks to you but not her best friend? I'm gonna have a talk with her-"

"Klaus, I swear to God, if you're lying-" Luther said changing the subject.

"I'm not, I'm not!"

"Master Klaus is correct," Pogo said, appearing in the doorway.

Angel stepped around the corner and glanced at everyone before looking at Klaus, "Hey, Klaus."

Klaus swallowed a lump in his throat, "Hey, best friend." He trailed.

"Regretfully," Pogo held his cane in both hands, "I helped Master Hargreeves enact his plan."

Angel moved to get a cup so she could pour herself a cup of coffee.

"What?" Luther asked.

"So did Grace. It was a difficult choice for both of us," Pogo stepped forward, "More difficult than you could ever know. Prior to your father's death, Grace's programming was adjusted so that she was incapable of administering first aid on that fateful night," Pogo explained, glancing at his feet. "Originally, Miss. Angel was planned to be involved but, considering past events, it was figured that she should not."

Angel stopped as she heard her name. What was he talking about?

Five furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean, "past events?""

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Klaus waved the spatula in his hands.

"Well, after your disappearance," Pogo glanced at Five, "Miss. Angel had a- how do you say- a breakdown."

Angel turned around and watched Pogo glance nervously at herself.

"What kind of breakdown?" Luther furrowed his eyebrows.

Pogo sighed and looked at Angel, "Well, there's one very important thing you all should know about yourself..." he paused. "It's that, when you're angry, upset, or hurt, you can tend to be a little less... yourself."

Angel cocked an eyebrow, "H-how so?"

Luther glanced at Klaus, who gave a shrug.

"A month after Miss. Allison put you to sleep, Master Hargreeves found something rather strange about your frontal lobe. That's when he found out that when you fell and hit your head, it affected many different parts of your brain, and that you would forever be 13,"

Angel unconsciously gnawed on the inside of her lip.

"He did countless research on the markings on your hands. They were pentagrams, or pentacles, as some would say,"

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