Chapter EIGHT

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James POV

I know that Lily was a bit, actually, that's a lie. I know that lily is EXTREMELY... Shall we say... reluctant... to share a dormitory with me this year, but I am excited. I have been waiting for a chance to prove to her that I am responsible, orderly, and changed. This is my shot. I am so excited that I finally get that chance.


I walked over to Lily, and I saw she was holding her book bag, so I began to show off my gentlemanliness. And I gave her a full view of the gun show, you can bet your bottom dollar.

"May I take your bag, Miss Evans?" I asked false formality edging my voice. She grinned and tossed it to me.

"I thought you'd never ask!" She exclaimed, giggling.

"It's seventh floor, behind the painting of the baby-faced old man. You just open the portrait. No password, until you set it. Which you haven't yet." McGonagol said, a hint of a smile on her aging features. Beautiful, but aging.

"Sounds good. See ya tomorrow profé!" I shouted, before grabbing Lily's hand, and sending our trunks up the stairs with magic.

"Let's goooooo!" I called, excitedly racing up the stairs, tugging a laughing Lily behind me.

"Suddenly, you are very happy!" Lily giggled when we pulled to a stop outside our new dorms. That giggle nearly broke the restrain I was putting on myself.

I promised that I wasn't going to make her uncomfortable, or take advantage of our situation, because she was already nervous. I just had to fight to not pull out my handy dandy pickup lines and my one liners.

"Our first home!" I whispered loudly, exaggerating it a bit, by placing my hand on my chest and trying to look emotional. I mean, I was emotional.

"You're such a dork!" Lily teased me, before she pulled open the portrait and stepped in the doorway.

"You coming?" She asked, looking at me curiously. I nodded rubbing my neck sheepishly, before striding in. I nearly passed out (I'm too manly to faint) when I saw how expensive the place must have been. It was lavish, modern, and wonderful.

"This. is. rad." I told her. <authors note: They lived in the 80's. Can we take a moment and appreciate that?> I walked in, wide eyed, and extremely impressed. I wasn't sure if I had stepped out of Hogwarts or not.

I trailed my hand along the smooth walls, and I looked forward and saw, the staircase leading up to what I presumed were the Dorms. I practically sprinted to the stairs, and latched my hand on the polished wood handrails. I didn't really care how expensive it was, but I really wanted to see how excellent my room was.

There were two doors, on that had quidditch brooms on it, and another had a book engraved in it. I took the obvious route, and I decided to look in the quidditch room. I was right.

The room was painted a solid black, with the Gryffindor insignia covering the entire left wall. My bed was a king sized bed, although it had curtains around it. The floor was hardwood, and there was a huge beige incredibly soft rug at the foot of the bed. I had a HUMUNGOUS wardrobe, all of my clothes already unpacked and hanging neatly inside. It even had a compartment for my broom, and I grinned extra widely when I saw that the comforter was the exact green of Lily's eyes.

I walked back into the hall, and I saw lily through her open door. Her room was a bright yellow, though there were scarlet curtains and rugs. She had a white comforter and a really girly room. I didn't like it, but I'm sure she loved it.

"Nice room." I commented. She jumped, then tried to cover her flushed face.

"Thanks. I saw yours. It looked.... Cool. For a dude." Lily gave me a hesitant smile, and it lit up her whole face, whether she knew it or not.

As it was getting late, and I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, I turned to go back into my room, ready to head into the bathroom.

"I'm going to get ready for bed. Good night Evans!" I called over my shoulder, grabbing my pajamas and toiletries.

I took a quick shower, dried off and put on my baggy t shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. Then I slipped back into my room, careful to put away my clothes. I then put my pillows under the covers to make it look like I was sleeping. I sprinted to my wardrobe, yanked out the cloak from the bottom, and pulled my wand out from my robes.

."GOODNIGHT JAMES!" Lily yelled, and I shouted back a similar response.
I tiptoed out my door, down the stairs, through the living room and out the door, carefully covering myself to be sure there was not a single visible part of me.

I was positive the boys were watching me through the map, but I was going to need it to get to them in the future. I could already feel the homesickness from being so far away from the other marauders because I really miss them. I know people don't really get that about us. They mainly see us as stuck up, privileged people, who are only friends for popularity's sake. But they are wrong. I loved them like they were my brothers. They are the best friends I could have asked for.

They were always there for me, and I was there for them. There was never any question, and I would do anything for them. Maybe that's not a good thing, but we were too invested to care.

When I burst into the gryffindor common room, the boys all looked up. They were the only ones in the room, which was surprising considering it was only 9:30. I slid the cloak off and put my wand in my back pocket.

"Jaaaaaames!" Yelled Sirius, slamming into me like a dark mass of bricks. I hugged him back tightly.

"Dude. I missed you. A lot." I told him, flopping on the brand new, overstuffed chairs by the fire.

"How's the dorm with Evans?" Squeaked peter. I just shrugged. I was excited, but she wasn't too happy about it so I didn't know just yet.

"James, it's good to have you back. Are you staying for long?" Asked Remus, grinning at me from the other chair. I laughed.

"Nah. Just for an hour or two. Lily thinks I went to bed at 9:30. If I'm too tired she'll wonder. But let's live it up. Who wants to play exploding snap?" I asked, trying to make use of the time I could spend with my friends.

We had a great hour filled with laughs. I'm glad my mates are who they are. They are really fantastic people.

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