Chapter 15: On a walk

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A/N: Please don't forget to vote! It helps me know if I need to make any changes! It also helps others to find my stories. ttylxox (bbb my bff cause idk whats comin next)

Lily POV

When he took my hand, I couldn't help but feel a thrill. It was rare that I felt brave enough to take charge of a situation, but he brought out a confident side to me that only my family knew about. 

"Where are we going?" He complained as I dragged him down the hallways. 

"On a walk. We aren't going anywhere in particular." I took a few more steps before he yanked on my hand again. 

"Uh huh. So can I kiss you now?" James pleaded. 

"Needy wanker," I scolded him, flicking his nose. 

"Only when it comes to you!" He cheesily winked at me and I scoffed. 

"Please, spare me the cliches. I'm better than that." I teased him, smiling widely. I felt such a huge relief. James wasn't going to break up with me. He was as insecure as I was, and he didn't want sex. 

"You're better than everything." I delighted in just knowing that he was near me. That he was near me and he wanted to be near me. We started our relationship too fast to not have insecurities, and while I like him alot, and I wanted to be able to trust him, I spent an entire summer apart from him. I forgave him the instant we got on the train and within a week I was making out with him. It was too quick for us to have gotten to know each other properly.

"How was your summer?" I asked him, catching him off guard. He looked at me with a smile, and a confused look in his eyes.

"Good," He said simply, shrugging. How could he not understand? I wanted to know more. I wanted to know everything. 

"What made it good?" I pressed, looking deep into his hazel eyes. They appeared more green now than brown, which was bittersweet. His eyes were always beautiful, but I couldn't help it. I loved when the hazel looked more like a chocolate.

"Well, Sirius and I got to spend it all together. My mum and dad were gone a lot for work, so we just hung out. Once we went to a beach, but there were too many muggles for us to have a really fun time." The more he talked, the happier he got. I could tell he had a good summer, and happy memories.

"How long were you at the beach?" I wanted him to keep talking. When James got talking about something that he loved, he got this look on his face that was absolutely adorable, and his eyes would light up, and he was just happy. 

"Not long. Just a week or so. Remus came and visited for a while when we got back, but only for a few days. His dad doesn't like him to be gone for too long." James explained. I nodded. "Overall we just had a really good time. Our house is still in tact, which made mum happy when she got back. You would just love her, Lily. She reminds me of you, actually. She's super smart, and she's really humble even though everyone knows she's fantastic. I can't wait for you to meet her."

WHOA HOLD THE PHONE! Meet james's mum? That's for couples who are serious about each other, and I didn't think we were there yet.

Well clearly he thinks you're there if he's talking about it

Well, I didn't know we were there. I haven't even told mum and dad yet! It's not like I don't want them to meet him, but I didn't know we were there yet!

Tell them soon, because James makes it sound like you're going to need to meet his parents, and he's going to need to meet yours


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