Chapter 12

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"I DON'T WANT TO WEAR PLASTIC PURPLE PLATFORM PUMPS!" I screeched at Marlene in irritation. Today was my first official date with James, and she insisted she help me plan out my outfit for the day. I was very grateful, but I don't exactly agree with her sense of style. Plus, I didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her no. Or at least I didn't want to the first hour. We were nearing the 3rd hour of Marlene's Fashion Advice and Belittlement Session, and I was at my wits ends.

"WELL IF THE SHOE FITS WEAR IT!" She yelled back at me, flinging a shoe towards me, narrowly avoiding it breaking my nose.

"THAT WAS USED IN AN ENTIRELY INCORRECT CONTEXT!" I shouted, throwing a pillow at her from the other side of the bed. 

"SPARE ME THE GRAMMAR LESSON, WE AREN'T MUGGLES!" Marlene fired back. I rolled my eyes, putting on a pair of brown riding boots.

"I am wearing these shoes, and that's final." I stated, rather crossly, ignoring Marlene's protests.

"But, the pumps with the platforms make your legs look so long, Potter would be bowing down to you." She pointed out, still trying to convince me to change my mind.

"Good thing I'm not into that kind of thing." I smirked, before giggling and flicking her head.

"I just want you to have a fun time! This has to go perfectly, because if you and James break up, things will be so awkward." She groaned, flopping on her back onto my bed.

"I know! That's why I don't want to go in purple platform pumps." I pointed an accusing finger at her before copying her position on the other side of the bed that was too small for two full sized women to lay on.

"I'm sorry! Forget I mentioned the shoes." It was quiet for a few minutes.

"What about some rock washed jeans, with that black marshmallow raincoat and your Gryffindor t-shirt beneath it?" She suggested. I thought for a moment, before agreeing.

"I really like that idea Marlene. What if I wear some of those brand new Nike shoes?" I asked.

"Nah, go with your white converse. They are classy, and yet casual." She advised. I nodded, before rolling over to give her a hug.

"Thanks for all your help Marlene." I mumbled. She poked my side, making me squirm.

"You don't have to thank me. Let's get your hair done." She smiled, dragging herself off of the bed, and pulling me along with her.

She tried out lots of different ways to do my hair, but she eventually settled on big loose curls, with a very steep side part, and lots of volume. We went light and unnoticeable with the makeup, because since James already knows what I look like without makeup, I didn't want him to think I was caking it on.

"You look gorgeous. He'll love it." Marlene assured me.

"Marlene, are you sure? What if he doesn't?" I asked, the nerves setting in.

"I'm sure. Besides, if he doesn't the worst thing is that you'll have to room with your ex for 10 months!" She cheered. I could not see the positive in that. Yes, James was sweet, but he wears his emotions on his sleeve, and so I would be able to tell right away if he didn't approve.

"Relax! I'm going to go change into something that will drive Sirius mad!" She laughed, before skipping out.

I'm not pretty enough to be dating James Potter!

Oh my gosh what if he tries to hold my hand and he misses and trips!

Is he going to like me?

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