Chapter Nine

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Lily's POV

"So last night? With James?" Marlene bumped her shoulder with mine, a teasing tone to her voice.

"Nothing happened!" I sputtered, blushing. She laughed her thick laugh, making me smile.

"You are so defensive Lils." She linked her arm through mine and pulled me through the corridor towards potions.

"Maybe if I had better friends I wouldn't need to be defensive!" I said. It felt good to be falling into our usual playful routine. It was familiar and... safe.

"Oh snap! Someone is getting feisty." Marlene loudly proclaimed. I shrank a little bit, my presence was almost always swallowed by hers.  She was so confident of herself, that while she may not have been beautiful, she believed she was, and so everyone else went along with it. You couldn't go against Marlene.

"Shut up." I muttered. We neared the room and my blush flared up again.

"Calm down, frisky." She whispered in my ear as we walked in.

The professor wasn't there yet, but someone... Or two someones- were at the professors desk. Ridiculous.

"Welcome to potions, 7th year!" Shouted Sirius, in a loud, booming voice, clearly intended to imitate Slughorn.

"I'm so thrilled," James began in a high pitched voice, winking at me. "To be here, and ready to learn. The ministry employees all take level seven potions!"

At first I thought the bloke was making fun of me, then I realized that he was impersonating Dolores Umbridge. She had graduated a few years ago, and she was so obsessed with the ministry it was sickening. She had this weird thing, where any time someone mentioned the minister she would like... Squeak. But I think she also had an inappropriate crush on the old man, because she had pictures of him all over her school books. It was terrifying.

"He's spot on!" Marlene giggled. I thought she was talking about James, so I agreed, the tips of my ears pink.

"I really hated Dolores. Those were all empty threats. You know she still works in the mail room? That's what the nasty Slytherins will end up doing." I told her. I didn't say all Slytherins... Before 5th year, Snape was a good one. I could trust him. I'm sure there are others like him.

"Lily!" James called, jumping off of the desk, and rushing over to me.

"Potter." Marlene grinned. He smiled right back at her, the ever happy, always smiling energy bunny potter.

"I thought we were past all this." He asked, smiling just as big, laughing at her. I found it irritating. I couldn't figure out why, but I was just trying to pretend it was nothing. It had never bothered me before.

"Never. You know I like teasing you." She winked at him, her hands on her hips, her voluptuous chest showing itself off. I was never jealous of Marlene before. She is beautiful, and great, and she deserves the attention. She may not be the most appropriate person, but you know. I wondered why I felt it right now.

"So anyways," James turned away from her, and I let out the smallest of exhales. Not enough to draw attention, but I needed to relax. "Lils, how was your sleep? You were gone when I woke up this morning."

"Sorry. I wanted to get up early and go for a run." And avoid you, I thought in my head. Runs always helped me to clear my head. And I do mean clear it. It helps me forget all my problems. Which mainly consist of James. And snivillous.

"Maybe next time, I'll go with you." He suggested nonchalantly.

"Like you can run." I quipped. I looked down my nose at him, although he was almost an entire foot taller than me.

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