Chapter 7

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Lily's POV
"Shh! Guys, hurry and sit down! I don't want to miss the feast." I quietly ordered my friends as we hurried into the great hall. The feast had just been put out, making the tables groan in protest at the impossible amounts of food.

Our, for want of a better word, 'group' scurried towards to front end of the Gryffindor tables, being sure to avoid eye contact with the teachers. Although, Dumbledore hadn't made a speech just yet. Refraining from direct contact would be wise, as professor Markworth seemed to hate James and Sirius more than any person I had met.

After sitting down and loading up our plates, we turned to face the front for the sorting. They really should start giving us food after the sorting, because most people didn't watch. The tattered, old, slightly grimy hat, was placed on the old wooden stool, and it began to sing.

Every year, at the feast, the hat would sing songs for us. Mostly discussing the different houses, and what they stand for. It taught the students about how hogwarts was formed, and why. The beautifully cryptic, quivery voice rang through the progressingly, silent hall. An awed hush fell upon the crowd of rowdy teens, and we all gave our upmost attention to the aging accessory.

Something was different about the content of the Hats song though... This year she still talked of history of hogwarts, but also spoke of the great trials that would come in our near future, about how we should band together, unite, and face our foes. It talked of how one house would separate, and peace wouldn't be restored for sometime, if we did not heed the warning. When the song finished, there was a stunned silence, and then thunderous applause broke out.

However, along wit he applause, and avalanche of whispering voices flooded the halls, and the Gryffindor 7th years were no exception.

"What do you think it meant?" Asked Sirius, stuffing his face with chicken. Marlene snorted at his habits, and then proceeded to do the same.

"I think it meant that we are all going to die!" James cried from next to me, dramatically placing his hand over his heart. And then his other hand, palm facing out, on his forehead. Sirius gasped, but choked on his chicken, choking loudly. Marlene laughed, but then choked on her chicken. Peter just stared creepily, as usual.

"That's not what it meant." Remus and I said in sync. We looked at each other, rolling our eyes at our friends.

"Well what did it mean if you two are so smart?" Asked frank, crossing his arms in front of him. He huffed out a breath of annoyance, as he rolled his eyes. Frank is a stick in the mud. But his mom loved him, so that means something right?

Remus and I looked at each other, nodding. Not about the freak thing though. It means nothing.

"It was discussing slytherin breaking away from the other three houses. This means, most likely, it will be obvious the prejudice between houses now. With Slytherin becoming increasingly more evil, and growing apart from Us and Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff." Remus explained, then turned to me, waiting for me to explain.

"Well," I started, taking a cautious sip of pumpkin juice to wet my palate. "The next part talks about us needing to avoid this. It speaks of great dangers, and tells us that that is what will potentially cause the separation. This means that, most likely He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is going to cause the rift. We are to try to mend the bond, however the fact that it was torn by pride needs  to be taken into account. The only way we will stop this war is if we all come together, and have people from all houses working together." I finished, and then took a bite of my apple.

"You got all that, from a few measly, philosophical phrases?" Sirius asked, wiping his face off. Remus and I laughed, and then turned back to our food.

"What's funny?" Asked Peter.

When no one answered, I felt bad, so I smiled kindly and replied.

"Shakespeare expects you to get an entire plot from philosophical phrases." I said, smiling at Remus. I swear, Lupin and I are best friends.

The feast was over, so I began telling all the younger years to get to bed. School starts early every day, but the first day of school is the worst.
"Lily, James!" Called professor McGonogal from across the hall.

"Yes?" I called back, yanking James towards her, though it was more like dragging him.

"Don't forget, you have to sleep in the heads common room this year!" She warned, and then trotted off.

"Oh joy." I muttered under my breath, non-enthusiastically.

I was going to have a great year! *note the sarcasm*



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