Chapter 4

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James POV~

"I'm head boy! Isn't this great?"I asked as I picked up a chuckling lily and twirled her in a circle. Wow, I didn't think it would be me, always thought the badge would go to Moony, or even Snivillous before Professor Dumbledore would have chosen me.

I mean, sure, we talk all the time. Dumbledore and I, We do brunch the first Saturday of every month and talk about whatever, but I didn't think that meant he liked me. Dumbledore is like that with everyone, I'm sure.

"So, what do the heads do at these meetings?" I asked her trying to be as nonchalant as possible, but failing miserably. I hadn't been a prefect so how was I supposed to know what to do? I looked to lily to see what she was thinking. Apparently she was happy. Because she smiled at me, blushed, and then spoke.

"Typically We come up with the passwords for each house before hand and then give them to the prefects. We pass out the assignments and patrol schedules, and top it all off by telling them about the prefects bathroom. I was thinking you could come up with Gryffindor's password, and decide on the bathroom password. I can manage the rest" she instructed me. I nodded trying to think through what she just said. Them I got confused, why did I only get to do two, unimportant things? As realization dawned on me, I spun on my heel, and gripped her shoulders tightly.

"I can manage just as much as you, why else would I be head boy?" I asked her. "I know you don't think I'm the most responsible person ever, but you should know that I am ready to do this. This is a partnership, and I am not afraid to take on my fair share of the work."

"James, none of these jobs are unimportant, they all hold value in themselves. And in that, they are unique. Each Head duty, is a duty that takes a lot of work- " she started to say, and then I promptly burst out laughing. She paused, and gave a a questioning look. Once my giggles had subsided I managed to whisper,

"You said duty!" She rolled her eyes at me.

"As I was saying, we have a huge opportunity, you are needed. You have to do the unpleasant tasks to make everything more pleasant for everyone else. While you may think your tasks are insignificant, they are a huge help to the staff, and the school, which is a big help to the world. So by doing your job, you are saving the world. Are you really going to put our lives in jeopardy just because you didn't like an assignment?" She asked me.

She was standing and looking at me. Even though I was a good 8 inches taller than her, she still managed to look down on me. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. I thought about what she said, letting it seep into my brain. Uh-oh, I am endangering the world! I could kill millions of harmless people. Just because I didn't want to do my jobs. My chest swelled with pride as I saluted her and said,

"No need to worry.  I'm great at coming up with passwords. The lads and I have come up some good ones in our times." I thought of the Marauders map. I don't know why I was so compelled to do what Lily asked, maybe because she's so persuasive. Or maybe it's because I happen to have the worlds biggest crush on her.

Actually, it's for sure the second one.

"Great now you have about two minutes before we have to let the prefects in, so hurry" Lily commanded me with an amused expression on her face. I turned on my heel and sat down with my head in my hands. What should the Gryffindor password be? It has to explain our house but not so obvious. We are loyal, strong and brave- wait!

"The Gryffindor password is Fortis, it means brave in Latin" I announced proudly. Lily just giggled.

"Nope! That is a common misconception, the actual Latin word for Brave is; animus, I think you are confused with the word bravery... Yup that's what it is" she corrected me. Man is she hot when she corrects me, pull it together Prongs, you can do it!

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