Chapter 14: Honesty

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"So you just slept in the same bed?" Marlene asked, shock written all over her face. My eyes bulged. 

"Yes! Why would we do anything else?" I asked incredulously. 

"Do I really need to explain that one to you?" Marlene rolled her eyes. I flushed red. 

"James and I aren't having sex, if that's what you're implying." I defended, completely embarrassed. We were sitting on my bed monday afternoon between classes. James and I were frequently hosting our friends in our apartment because it was a lot less crowded than the common room. 

"That's exactly what I'm implying. Merlin, Lily! Have you seen the man before? If I didn't have the hots for his best friend I would be all over your man." Marlene got a faraway look in her eyes and I could tell she was imagining just what she would do to my man. I shoved her gently. 

"Yeah, well. I don't think I'm ready for that. He's still Potter. I'm learning to trust him, but it's hard to just forget 5 years of torment and 1 year of little pranks." This was the first time I'd told anyone that I was wary of the relationship. 

"Hey, he's changed. You've changed. It won't happen again." Marlene comforted, wrapping her arms around me. 

"I really like him. I think that's why I'm so scared. What if this is just one of his elaborate pranks? I don't want to get hurt. Besides, I just don't want to have sex until I know I'll be with that person forever." I tried to explain it to Marlene. She nodded, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder. 

"I get that. I really do, but I think you need to talk to James about it." I ignored her statement, and continued right on. 

"And even if the relationship is real, what if he reverts back to his player ways? You know he's probably slept with half of hogwarts. There's no way he'll be able to keep it in his pants." I groaned, throwing my arm over my eyes to try and stop the visuals. "I really just think that this week has been too good to be true, and we are going to break up any day now. He won't even be phased. He can move on with life like nothing happened, and I'll be heartbroken, and all alone." 

"Lils, you need to tell these things to James." Marlene sighed, rubbing my back.

"What? Why?" I didn't want to admit that she was probably right. 

"Because if you are feeling insecurities in your relationship with him, he needs to know. He is the only one that can fix them, and if he doesn't know you're worried, he won't do anything to help remedy the situation." Marlene sat back when she finished. "Wow, that's the best relationship advice I've ever given." 

"How do I even bring it up to him?" I asked. Suddenly Marlene, the girl who had never been in a relationship for more than a week, was a relationship expert and I desperately needed her help.

"Catch him alone. Just ask him if you can talk and then tell him exactly what you told me." She instructed, cleaning out her fingernails and looking disinterested. I flicked her ankle and made her look up. 

"How am I supposed to get him alone?" I inquired, hands on my hips. She laughed. Marlene McKinnon had the audacity to laugh at me while I was panicking. 

"What?" I demanded, feeling anger start to bubble. She just laughed harder. In a moment of weakness, I shoved her off of the bed. That was when she stopped laughing, and looked at me with tears of laughter still in her eyes. 

"You live together. Just the two of you. I can't imagine it would be difficult." Marlene giggled. I threw a pillow at her. 

"Yeah, but ever since last night he's been avoiding me." I groaned. Marlene sat up straighter and looked at me sharply. 

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