Chapter 6

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Hey guys! Well, as you can see, I didn't stick to my goal of writing every week.

I'm so sorry!

I will try and update more often, you guys deserve that from me. Anyways, here is chapter 6...

Lily's POV

I don't know why, but something about what James said, about tricking me, hit me like a wrecking ball. It broke me down to my core, and I couldn't control it.

Call it what you will, girl problems, hormones, emotional instability, or mental health issues, I couldn't handle the sudden total wave of feelings that surged over me. Because in that moment, I was at my weakest point, and I hated it.

So I did the natural, and simply human thing. I cried.

When I felt strong, protective arms around, me... I knew they belonged to James. And although in the past I didn't like him, I felt like he understood that I needed comforting. And I appreciated his attempts.

As he rubbed soothing patterns into my back, he led me into the compartment from before. You would think I wouldn't want my enemy to do that, but I felt that at this point, he was safe.

I cried quietly into his shoulder, and painful memories flooded my brain, and tainted my thoughts. I saw Severus and I playing as children, then him leaving me, petunia leaving me, being called a freak, being called a mud blood, being looked down on in both worlds that I lived in. It was all too much.

A noise caused me to look up, and to my astonishment, I saw Snape standing in the door way. He glanced at James and I before growling and suddenly, his pale waxy features flushed red with anger. It was really ugly. Not gonna lie.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOUR MAKING HER CRY!!" Severus Bellowed at James, attempting, and not succeeding, to throw me away from James. He twisted my arm and I winced, rubbing it.

"DONT HURT HER LIKE THAT!" James warned as Snape tried to yank me away by my arms. The battle was pointless, because it was Two against one. Snape was being ridiculous. He lost all right yo care when he called me that foul name.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!" Screeched Snape, scratching at James. James turned me around, so I wasn't in between the boys, and then he did a very unlike James thing.

He relaxed his muscles, and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, before regaining his composure. He then smiled as nice as he could and said something I will never forget.  Probably. Hopefully, I have short term memory loss don't judge me.

"Severus, I'm sorry if I have offended you by taking care of Lily, but her well being is very important to me. She was upset, and I was trying to help. I would also like to apologize for my past actions towards you that have been unkind, and I know it doesn't quite make up for things, but I am going to try to be nicer." James politely stated. I stared at him, dumbfounded at the prospect of him apologizing. And on top of the apology, he called him Severus. That in and of itself surprised me the most. I blushed deeply at his maturity, which I was sure was shown for me.

Snape stood in complete shock, confused for a moment, before his mouth curled into a smirk.

"Trying to act all chivalrous to impress lily, are you? Well, it's not going to work. I don't accept your apology. Lily would be a fool to believe that you were sincere in that excuse for asking forgiveness. She hates you, so you might as well give up." Snape snarled the last bit, as a threat. I wasn't quite sure what was going one, but I knew it would be a struggle for James to remain composed for much longer. I could see his muscled flexing right now.

"Excuse me, but I am in the room. I don't know what's going on, or why you two are acting like this, but you need to stop." I started, stepping in between them. They both began stuttering protests, but I cut them off.

"Sev- Snape, I know that you hate James, but he wasn't doing anything wrong" I said to Snape disapprovingly.

"Plus, he apologized. Remember when we would talk about being the better person? What happened to that? Clearly you've changed." I chided him. He was such a hypocrite.

"Thank you for helping me James. I really appreciated it." I told him, standing on tip toe, and kissing his cheek. (IN THE MOST FRIENDLY WAY! Don't look at me like that!)

Oh yeah right, you totally did it on purpose

Well yeah but platonically!

Come on, he changed for you. You like him

It's like five minutes into the school year!

James froze from the contact, and then I began to doubt the fact that I had made the right choice. Sev was glaring at James and I, with such a passion it made me wonder what I could possibly have down wrong. All I did was kiss James's cheek! For goodness sakes, its not the end of the world! Plus, if he really cared, he wouldn't have become a death eater.  I know he is one, I couldn't tell you how, but I knew.

"I'm sorry.." I stuttered, hesitant about my actions. What do you do?

"No it's fine. You didn't do anything wrong!" James assured me, smiling. I grinned back at him, and found myself gazing into his beautiful chocolate eyes, and wondering how on earth he could be so handsome.

LILY. Snap out of it! I ordered myself, looking away and blushing.


James POV

"James" someone called, they sounded far away, and almost as though they were under water.

"Ja-Ames!" The angelic voice called again. I smiled, they must be amazing.

"PRONGS GET UP WE ARE AT THE SCHOOL!!" Shouted a much deeper and rougher voice, shaking me awake.

"Crap! LILS! We have to take the first years to Hagrid! And then lead everyone else up to the building." I told her, racing off the train. The red-haired green-eyed angel followed me, laughing at how panicked I was.

"James, we just got here, your fine on time. But we should gather up the years and houses, and then let 7th year prefects take over the trip to the carriages." Lily explained, as we made our way to the train doors.

She's beautiful. And she holds my heart in her hands, but she doesn't even give me the time of day. What do I do? I silently asked myself, picking up two squealing first years and walking towards Hagrid.

"Put us down!"they laughed, and then they grinned like they didn't want me to. So I put one on my shoulders and the other under my arm, before taking the hand of a cute, rather quiet looking girl, with pink hair.

"Oi! James! Are you planning on visiting my 'it this 'ear?" Called a huge, and I do mean huge man.

"You bet I am Hagrid! The boys and I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I shouted back. I put the three kids down and looked them in the eyes.

"You all be good, you hear? Go over the that man, and I'll see you inside!" I said, ruffling  their hair, and then gently pushing them in Hagrid's direction.

"Wow James, you are really good with kids!" Giggled a flirty, annoying blonde bimbo. She was a 5th year ravenclaw. She should know by now that 1. I try to date people in my year, and two my heart goes to lily. Plus, she was blonde. And I hate blondes. Well, most blondes.

"Yeah, he's gonna be a great dad one day, but for now he's not dating so we all need to leave him alone" Lily stated firmly,Leading me away.

"What's the rush?" I teased her, and hen she blushed. SHE BLUSHED! Lily Evans blushed because I said some thing. SCORE! I can check that off my bucket list.

"We need to get into the carriages now." Lily said, and then she marched away, flipping her hair over her shoulder. She was hiding something.

(Warning most cliché line alert!)

And I was going to find out what it was.



I HOPE YOU LOVED IT! I had a great time writing it, so thank you for reading!

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