chapter 2

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"Hey Lilikins!" called a voice cheerily over the din of the platform. When I turned around I saw 4, 17 year-old boys walking over to me. I knew I needed help but, why them? I straightend out, put on my happiest face, and did something I never thought I'd do.

" Hello boys, um... I know we usually would be trading insults at this point but, I actually, need your help." I whispered as I risked a glance up. I saw James smiling broadly, I don't know why, Sirius was casting looks at Remus over James shoulder as peter just looked surprised. Peter always looked surprised when I addressed them though, so it wasn't unusual. The only one who hadn't reacted negatively was Remus, he smiled at me genuinely and I had to smile back. Remus is honestly the nicest guy I have ever met, and I have no idea why he has never had a girlfriend. He could make someone very happy.

"What can we do for you lily? Do you need revenge on a Slytherin, or an order of butterbeer delivered before the first hogsmede trip?" Asked James as he finally stopped smiling. I grinned, wait, what am I doing, I cant laugh at them, except for Remus, he is the only responsible marauder. focus lily, you just need their help to move your trunk.

I squared my shoulders, and sent him my best withering gaze, except, then I looked into his eyes and were they always this beautiful brownish hazelish color? I think they got deeper over the summer because my knees almost gave out, and I swear my ovaries exploded.

"I actually need your "muscles" if you could call them that. I just cant get my trunk onto the train by myself , If you would help that would be great." I finished congratulating myself on my ability to remain calm. I could have given them 10 detentions on the spot for even saying that. Well, technically I couldn't but, I could convince Slughorn they had done something. I mean, they admitted to a lot of things right there.

"Did you hear that boys? We have MUSCLES! this is the best day ever!" Sirius sarcastically replied making me blush. I had hoped we wouldn't come to this point in the conversation. I swear every time that I talk to them, Sirius turns it into something about himself, James makes it sexual, Remus makes it happy, and Peter makes it. Horribly awkward.

"But Sirius, I thought just last week you were complaining about not having any muscles?" peter said looking extremely confused. He was once again late on the whole sarcasm thing, however this time, it was hilarious, so I promptly burst out laughing. But one noise made me stop just as soon as I had begun. The train whistle blew and I knew I needed to get onto the train. I kind of had a mini panic attack. If I didn't get on the train I wouldn't be able to be head girl, and I needed to be head girl.

"boys, just get my trunk onto the train!" I ordered. I was shocked that it had come out so forceful, but the boys reacted immediately. They picked up the ends of my trunk and put carried it swiftly onto the train. I followed close behind, but when I boarded, it was just James, the trunk and I, all in a little cramped space.

"Great, now how am I supposed to carry it?" I asked, frustration practical,y oozing out of me.

"I can carry one side, and you can carry the other." James suggested, like it was obvious. It took a bit to understand that James had just had a good idea. Not even one that involved revenge or prancing. A genuinely good idea.


Oh come on Lily! Say something else too! Ok? That's lame. Make it cool.

"Good Idea." The words came out of their own accord, before I could feel them back in.

Oh yes, job well done. That'll really make me look cool! Gosh, no wonder I have no friends.

"Thanks!" For some reason, James beamed at me. Like I had said something really intelligent and noteworthy.

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