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"Go to sleep!" James groaned, slinging an arm across his face. I flicked his partially exposed nose. 

"Go to sleep? We have a test in DADA tomorrow, and you want me to just 'go to sleep?'" I asked incredulously. 

"Yes, well that does seem to be a normal thing to do," He said as if I didn't know. 

"But if I don't study, I won't get an A, and if I don't get an A then you'll be the top student, and I haven't worked hard all these years just so that my boyfriend would pass me up at the last second," I explained, pacing back and forth. 

"Could you at least stress more quietly? You nerves are making it hard for me to sleep, let alone think. It's 10:30 for goodness sake!" James exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, shoving him onto his bed and standing in front of him with my hands on my hips. 

"I have to go over the material in my head at least. We have to produce a Corporeal Patronus, and do you know how hard that is? Even fully trained Witches and Wizards struggle with those. What if my memory isn't strong enough? What if my- Eek!" I shrieked when James yanked me down onto the bed with him. 

"Can you just calm down?" He begged quietly. I twisted around in his arms and scowled at him. 

"I am not sleeping with you, James Potter. You had better let me leave this instant," I demanded. 

"Can I just- hold you?" He asked smiling sheepishly at me. 

My heart melted. I was about to consent when I realized what he was doing. 

"Hey! No distracting me! I am going to study and I am going to get an A, and nothing will stop me," I swore solemnly, climbing out of his hold. 

"It was worth a shot," He sighed dramatically. I grinned at him and flicked his forehead. 

"Valient effort. Unfortunately for you, your girlfriend is a genius and is really good at detecting these kinds of things," I smirked, crossing my arms. I sighed again. "I've never conjured a corporeal Patronus before."

James whipped out his wand and threw an arm around my shoulder. 

"Luckily for you, your boyfriend is a genius and has!" He teased, using my bit from before. I giggled and then looked up at him. 

"You really have? James, that's actually incredible magic. I can't believe the nerve of Snape, changing your grades all those years. Does anyone understand how absolutely brilliant you are?" I demanded, getting annoyed again. James just laughed while he shook his head. 

"Let's stay focused Lils," He instructed, holding out his wand. 

"Okay, okay. Teach me," I relented. 

"What works best for me is to pick the happiest memory I can think of. A time when all I felt was pure joy. I picture it in my mind, letting it fill my heart and run through my veins. The more clear the memory, the stronger the joy, the better the Patronus," He explained, closing his eyes. 

I watched absolutely dazzled by the content smile on his handsome features as he thought of his happiest time. Suddenly, his arm swooped in an elegant motion as he whispered, "Expecto Patronum." 

A large stag burst from the end of his wand, galloping around him in a circle while he watched with his now open eyes. The stag trotted over to me, skipping happily around me before it faded. 

"James," I breathed, staring at my boyfriend. He was so talented. So underappreciated. 

"Your turn," He just smiled, as if he hadn't done one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen in my entire life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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