Whats a pen?

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"Why aren't you using your Quill?" James asked, poking my side. We were sitting in potions, with his arm around my shoulders. I was trying to work, but James was trying to do anything but work.

"What do you mean?" I asked, clicking my pen closed. I turned to look at him.

"What the heck are you writing with? How come you don't have to keep dipping it in ink?" He questioned. I swear, this relationship has only been alive for 45 minutes, and he has already asked me more questions than a hyperactive 3 year-old.

"It's a pen?"

"What's a pen? Is it dangerous?" James scooted back and pointed his wand at my pen. I laughed, and pulled the wand from his hands.

"I didn't think you guys didn't know what pens were! I thought you all used quills only at Hogwarts, for the aesthetic." I pulled out my pencil pouch, and showed him my pencils and pens.

"The ink and graphite are inside, so if you write, it comes out the little middle part. With a pen, if you run out of ink, you just buy a new pen. Or if you are using a pencil, you just sharpen it." It seemed basic to me, but he thought it was the greatest thing ever.

"Would you like to borrow one?" I asked, offering him a pen and pencil. He eagerly grabbed both and spent the rest of class writing with them.

"Lily?" Asked Professor Slughorn at the end of the Class. I stood up and made my way over. I left all my books and pencils scattered everywhere and my book bag was open on my desk. I am not a tidy worker.

"Yes, Sir?" I stood in front of him my hands behind my back.

"I heard you and Potter are dating?" He inquired. I blushed and looked at my feet. It was a moment before my eyes flitted up to him and responded,

"Yes, Sir."

"Make sure he treats you right, you understand? If he isn't the perfect Gentleman, I will sort him out for you." The kind older man rolled up his sleeves, and gave me look as if to say, I can take him on.

"I don't think that will be a problem, Sir." Said another voice. Then the already familiar hand took hold of mine.

"It had better not be. I'll see you both on Thursday." Slughorn replied, giving James the evil eye and walking into his study. I looked up at James and smiled at him, thinking about how cute it was that he was so confident about us.

"Come on, Lils. We need to go study." James said, smiling down at me. I blushed and looked at my feet.

"You're cute when you blush." He said, walking me out of the classroom. I rolled my eyes, blushing even brighter. He lightly bumped his hip with mine as we made our way up to our dorm.

"Evans... Why did you say yes?" He asked suddenly. We were back in front of that tapestry.

"Because..." I started, then I trailed off trying to gather my thoughts.

"Was it a dare?" He asked, suddenly loosening the grip on my hand and taking a step back.

"No." I said, stepping up to him until I was pressed against his frame. I put my arms around him tentatively, hoping I wasn't being as awkward as I felt.

"Why then?" He asked me again, whispering now.

"Because I like you. And I want to try this. Maybe it will work out." I told him, trying to work out how to say the things I couldn't put words to.

"I like you too." James told me seriously.

We were both silent as we stood in the middle of a corridor on the 7th floor, arms around each other, breathing deeply.

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