Half elf

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Half elf's are both human and elf.

Traits that come with this race.
Your charisma has a increased by 2 and two other ability scores are increased by 1 point.
You can live up to 180 years.
You can see in the dark but only see in shades of gray.
You have advantage on saves against being charmed and can't be put to sleep by magical means.
You can speak, read and write common elvish and another language of your choosing.
You are about 5 to 6 feet tall.
You are proficient in two skills of your choosing.
Your walk speed is 30 feet.

There are two variants for this race.
Mark of detection. You are able to detect and see things better than anyone else.
When you make an investigation or insight check you can add a d4 to your roll.
You can cast the spells detect evil and good, detect poison and disease, detect thoughts, find traps, clairvoyance, nondetection, arcane eye, divination, and legend lore.
Mark of storm. You have a connection with wind and water allowing guy to call upon the storm.
Your charisma is increased by 2 and your dex is increased by 1 point.
When you make an acrobatics check or use your navigators tools you can add a d4 to your roll.
You have resistance to lightning damage.
You know the cantrip gust and you know the spells feather fall, fog cloud, gust of wind, Levitate, sleet storm, wind wall, conjure minor elements, control water, and conjure elemental.

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