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Grung are very aggressive, territorial and cocky frog race. They mostly live in trees and the color of their scales is based off a hierarchy and what they are mostly good at.

Green grungs are the tribe warriors and hunters often being seen wearing armor and weapons ranging from melee and ranged.

Blue grungs are the tribes crafters and artisans often seen tinkering with machinery or making potions for example.

Purple grungs are mostly the tribes administrators and commanders often telling the other grungs what to do and leading.

Red grungs are the tribes scholars and magic users often being more intelligent and more dangerous than the other grungs because of their understanding of magic power.

Gold grungs are the highest tier and often old and have much experience with combat and are the leaders of the tribes.

Traits that come with this race.

Your dex increase by 2 points and your con increases by 1 point.

They live up to 50 years and become adults in a single year.

Grungs are often lawful evil creatures.

They are proficient with perception.

You can speak, read, and write common and grung.

They are immune to poison and have poisonous skin so any creature that makes physical contact with them has to make a con save of 12 or above. If they fail they become poisoned for a whole minute. You can also apply poison to any weapon that does piercing damage.

Grungs usually stand 2 to 3 feet tall.

Their walk speed is 25 feet and climb speed is 25 feet.

Their long jump is 25 feet and high jump is 15 feet.

If they fail to immerse themselves in water for at least an hour each day they will suffer from a level of exhaustion.

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