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Genasi are very human in nature though they have bound themselves with the elemental planes of earth, water, fire and air.

They are considered humanoid though they may have a skin color or a element trait that connects them to what genasi they are like they're hair may have fire or water or their skin may be tough as rock.

Traits that come with this race.
Your con is increased by 2 points.
They can live up to 120 years.
They side more on the neutral alignment.
You can fluently speak, read and write common and primordial.
They are between 5 and 6 feet tall.
Their walk speed is 30ft.

There are four subraces in which are the air genasi, water genasi, fire genasi, and earth genasi.

Air genasi are descendent from the djinn and skin, eyes or hair may have a light blue color.
Your dex is increased by 1 point.
You can hold your breath for a very long time.
You can cast the levitate spell.

Earth genasi are descendants of the dao and are usually very strong and have rough skin.
Your strength is increased by 1 point.
You can move across difficult terrain very easily.
You can cast the spell pass without trace.

Fire genasi are descendants of the efreet and are usually very angry and hostile.
Your intel is increased by 1 point.
You can see clearly in the dark or dark places but you can only see in shades of red.
You are resistant to fire damage.
You know the cantrip produce flame and can cast the burning hands spell.

Water genasi are often found in the depths of the sea and skin are often the colors of blue or green.
Your wisdom is increased by 1 point.
You have resistance to acid damage.
You can breath air and water.
Your swim speed is 30ft.
You know the cantrip shape water and know the create or destroy water spell.

The next race we'll talk about are once that have escaped the mind flayers and went to the astral plane.
The githyanki

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