Astral elf

56 1 0

A long long time ago a group of elves left the feywild and went to the astral plane to be closer to their gods but in doing so has gave them innate abilities.

Traits that come with this race.
You choose an ability score that increases by 2 and another ability score that increases by 1 point.
You can speak, read and write common and another language of your choosing.
You can live over 700 years.
You are between 5 and 7 feet tall.
You know one of the chosen cantrips. Dancing lights, light or sacred flame.
You don't need to sleep and magic can't put you to sleep.
You can see in the dark but only in shades of gray.
You have advantage on saves against and ending the charmed effect.
You are proficient with perception.
Your walk speed is 30 feet.
You can teleport to a space that is 30 feet in front of you that is unoccupied and that you can see.

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