Chapter 10

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Hi Everyone! I hope you had a great day!

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Hi Everyone! I hope you had a great day!

I wanted to give a shout out to Dianasaurus94 ! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! 🎉🎉🎉

Sorry for the minor delay. My internet connection was horrible and despite my multiple chances trying to post this chapter. It wouldn't publish.😖

Also is anyone having problems publishing a chapter with a photo above? Mine never appear after I publish my chapters. That's why I just put the photo below instead. I apologize for any grammatical mistakes!

Hope you enjoy! ❤️

Sinbad's Pov

"Sinbad, how much longer do you believe you will be staying here?" Whispered Jafar not wanting anyone else at the dinner table to hear.

I set my glass of wine down. I sign as y/n hasn't arrived yet, leaving the chair to my right feeling cold and empty.

" Until Y/n is ready to come back to Sindria with me." I whisper back to him. Jafar looks at me confused.

"What do you mean until she's ready to go back to you? You never mentioned she was coming back."

" We'll... it's wasn't discussed directly. But it feels obvious since she's agreed to our engagement." I said.

" Sin, did you ever actually propose to her?" Jafar asked me.

"I...." I couldn't answer him, just realizing that I never properly proposed to her. Jafar face palms.

"Of course... of course you didn't properly propose to her. You need to fix that." Jafar said.

" I'll make sure I do it. Maybe I'll ask her to walk with me after dinner tonight." I said quietly outloud.

"Don't you need an engagement ring?"

I fumble with the many necklaces around my neck. I raised a simple gold chain with a diamond ring hanging from it. Two smaller sapphires sat on either side of the ring. I smiled at it as I fumbled with it.

"I was meaning to give this to her. But I never knew when was the right time. I though of giving it to her on our wedding day."

"When did you get that?!" Jafar asked surprised by the ring that appeared in my hand.

"Do you remember the day of the first coronation?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" Jafar said.

"Well the jeweler who came in that day to show me the Crown Jewels... I noticed in his collection this ring. I knew right away that I wanted to propose to Y/n with it. Even though Y/n knows I talked to her parents about marrying her... she doesn't know that they didn't say yes until the second time." I said as I chuckled, remembering my attempts of asking for her hand in marriage.

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