Chapter 5

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Hey guys. I am so so so so sorry that I keep updating so slow. I promise to try and get better at updating faster. I've been having writers block. Also thanks so much you guys for the 4k reads. I am really happy people enjoy this story. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Also above is also Artinia.

The next day

Sinbad's Pov

I couldn't go to sleep from what went down last night. It was just me, and her in my arms. She looked so happy. The happiest the whole time she was here in Sindria. But when the generals and trio came, she then became cold. Like what she was doing was wrong. If only they came later, I could of confessed my feelings for her. It's useless though. Even if I confessed she wouldn't feel the same way. " Sin? Are you ok?" Asked Ja'far with a worried look. I then realized that I was in the dining hall with all the generals and trio. I then look to my right, seeing that y/n wasn't here yet. I then put on a fake smile so that I didn't have to worry anyone to why I was spacing out saying, " oh I'm fine. Just tired, that is all." Thankfully Ja'far left it at that. Minutes later y/n enters looking as beautiful as always, but something was different. She looked happy, but really she wasn't.

Y/n's pov

I entered the hall saying, " good morning everyone." Inside I wasn't happy. Hopefully no one realizes it. The only thing I couldn't do was give eye contact to him. Feeling if I did, my false happy demeanor would vanish. Again the only seat open was next to Sin. Walking over I sit next to him. It was silent. " So y/n, did you sleep well?" Sin asked, breaking the silence. He said this every morning to me. It was sweet, but i bet he says it to all the women he tries to sleep with. " Ja'far , when will the ship be leaving to Artinia?" I said ignoring sin's question completely. " an hour after breakfast." He said, noticing that I was ignoring Sinbad. " Thank you." The rest of breakfast was silent.

An hour later

Ja'far's Pov

I wonder what's was going on between Sin and y/n. She was ignoring him completely at breakfast. Even though she was happy, she definitely wasn't really. I just hope this plan brings the two back together.

Sinbad's Pov

She must be mad at me. I thought while walking with the generals, the trio, and (y/n).
She was walking on the opposite side of the group talking with yamriha and Mona. I kept looking at y/n trying to figure out why she was unhappy. Then I started to go into a trance. Her beauty was of a different world. Realizing that I was staring at her she rolled her eyes at me and scoffed. My eyes widened. I have to figure out why she is mad at me.
Without her noticing I moved to being behind her. Now realizing that I was behind her, she turned her head a bit saying," What do you want Sinbad?" Annoyed by my presence. " Oh, I just want to know if your ok." I said hoping she would confess. " I'm fine." " Are you sure?" "~taking a deep breath~ yes, I'm fine." " y/n, your lying." She then stops and turns around now pissed. " SI- " " ah, here is our ship." Said drakon cutting y/n off. Thank Solomon he cut her off. We then all got on the ship except for Drakon and sharrkan. " wait! Why am I staying and stick head gets to go!" Yelled sharrkan. "What did you call me!!" Yelled Yam, about to rip his head off. " We needed at least two generals to protect and maintain the kingdom." Said ja'far. " Then why couldn't you stay behind." " You know the reason Sharrkan. Remember what we discussed a while ago? Plus you were going to be paired with Yamriha." "WHAT?!!" shouted the magician and swordsman. " Thank Solomon I am staying here. I don't want to sleep anywhere near that sea witch." " That's it!! Your dead sword boy!!" ( I can't think of any bad names at all) " It's alright Yam. Unfortunately ALL men are like this." Said y/n. ' she was definitely talking about me there. It's so confusing why she is mad at me. Usually women never get mad with me. I just wonder why she is?'
As everyone was on board the ship, it started to sail from the port.

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