Chapter 9

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As you can tell I have decided to continue this story. I have decided Friday will be the day I will update every week. And you WILL see chapter 10 on August 5th. I'm a WAY more organized person now then I was before so there will be no delay. I do want to say thank you for the 79k views and 1k votes! Every single one means the world to me. And one more thing: I wrote a longer chapter this time as part of my apology for not continuing this story for so long. I hope you enjoy it! And I apologize for any grammatical mistakes. ❤️


I then went on a walk to chat with Tania and hear what she had been doing for the past years since I last saw her. " I'm really happy for you Taria," I said as a bugged her after she had just told me that she had a lover. " Yeah, I just hope my parents will allow me to be with him." Said, Taria, as her expression saddened a bit. " Hey," I Said as I stopped her and put my hands on her shoulders. " If you know that he loves you and that you love him. I bet your parents will approve of you two." She then smiled up at me. " Thanks, y/n."

As we walked a bit longer she then stopped all of a sudden. " Hey what's wrong Taria?" I asked worriedly. " Um, I have to tell you something." She said now becoming nervous all of a sudden. He came close to her as my eyebrows knitted together. " What do you need to tell me." " Um well, it's about Christopher." She said. " What about him?" " Well about a year ago he and father got into a fight. And so to cool off he went to take a night walk in the village. And well, after he came back he hasn't been the same." Confusion and worry were what I felt. It was true. When I did see him this time since last I saw him, he has acted like a very different person.

" Y/n, the man your getting married to." She said. " Yes," I Said.

"I don't think that's, Christopher."



Y/n' s Pov

What did she mean?

" W-wait, what your trying to say is that someone is impersonating Christopher?" I asked, confused on what Tania was saying.

" Its someone else, you have to believe me. Late at night he goes somewhere and talks to these weird people with masks about like people named Luca, Kado, Samuel, and Ines. Also something like destroying this world and creating a new one with the a new prince of darkness." Taria said.

Why do those names all sound familiar?

Then it hit me. The man that attacked Artinia a few months ago said his name was Kado. 

" The man that attacked my kingdom a few months was called Kado." I said. Tania's eyes widen.

" They talked to Christopher like he was Kado. Do you think he is the one that is impersonating Christopher?"

" He could be. I'll investigate more on it." I said.

" I hope he's safe and not hurt. " Tania said as a tear left her eye. I wiped it away and gave her a hug.

" I hope so too."

After talking a bit longer with Tania, I hugged her goodbye and decided to head back to her room. As I was walking my mind kept on returning back to what Tania said about someone impersonating Christpher, but mainly those names.

They sounded so familiar.

I kept on walking to my room still in thought of what Tania just told me. I felt a hand touched my on the shoulder.

"Ah!Oh! Sinbad, you scared me." I said, scared from the sudden surprise as having my hand on my chest.

" I'm sorry. When I saw you walk by, you looked like something bad happened. Did Christopher hurt you? I swear I'll-," Sinbad said as he put his arm around me for comfort. I leaned into his chest.

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