Chapter 13

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Hey Everyone! I hope everyone's day is going well!

I apologize for the late update. I just moved back to college and it's been so hectic that I haven't had the time to write. Plus side to it is that you'll have a back to back update! Which means this chapter and then the next chapter will be posted the next day!!!

If you didn't see my last post I just wanted to say that I'll be posting twice a week now. I'll still post on Friday like usual, but I'm thinking the other day I'll post will be on Monday.

Comments and votes are really appreciated.
(Love to see your reactions to the chapter. Don't be afraid to write it!)

I apologize for any grammatical errors.

Enjoy! ❤️

Enjoy! ❤️____________________________________

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3rd Person Pov

The people in the cathedral started to become unsettled as the last bell rang a while ago. Only the whispers of nobles could be heard as the music stopped playing as the bride had missed her cue.

The head of the council Orin who was also the officiant of the ceremony grew frustrated. "Where is she? I thought you said she was going to be obedient now. " He asked Christopher.

"She was..." Christopher said annoyed.

"Obviously she wasn't. You can't be crowned king if you aren't married to her. Which destroys our plans." Orin argued making Christopher further annoyed.

"Nio, where is that damn sister of yours?" Christopher asked as he looked towards Nio in the first pew.

"She was here. I saw her moments before I came in here." Nio said. He then stood up as he looked at his surroundings and noticed a certain red-head was missing too.

"For the love of..." Suddenly a soldier bursts through the door. He appeared to be injured as he limped down the aisle to the altar.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Yelled Orin. The soldier came up to him.

"My lord, Commander Xander....h-he and his troops have stared a coup. They have the other council members in confinement." The solder said as he collapsed to the ground his wounds too much to bare.

Nio walked towards Christopher to talk to him without the crowd hearing. "You can handle the army. If Aldrin and his army imprison or even execute the council members we lose. We won't have control over the country anymore. You must." Nio urged Christopher to fight.

"I will not reveal myself. His entire family is here. If they find out they'll alert that damn Sindrian King and his alliance. It was hard enough to make that Tenorian princess be quiet." Growled Christopher.

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