Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Sorry again for the long wait. I can't believe I reached 21k. I would never have thought I would get so many views! Thank you guys so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also heads up there might be a very small fluff in this chapter.

Y/n's Pov

" Mhm, Wh-where am I?" I Said as I looked around at my surroundings. I was in a bedroom, but it wasn't mine. I rub my eyes as I yawn. " Good morning my dear." My body freezes when I hear who was talking. " Wh-Why am I here? In bed with you?" I Said with a venomous glare. " Well, you slept with me." He said as he sat up from the bed. He had no shirt on. " Why are you shirtless? I swear to Solomon if you touched me, you will regret doing so."
" Hey, chill. The only thing we did was cuddle last night." He said. " Thank Solomon!" I Said as I was about to get out of the bed when he pulled me back in. " Let's just stay in bed a bit longer, hmm?" He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest.         " No Christopher," I said as I forcefully pulled his arms off of me and got off the bed. I then realize that I wasn't wearing my clothes but a really short nightgown.
" Where are my clothes," I growled at him. " I don't know. You wouldn't want to go out in public like that now. Come back to bed." He said with a sly smirk. " I rather walk naked than get back in bed with you," I Said as I grabbed a robe from his closet and left his room.

As I was heading back to my room, trying to get the least amount of people to see me, just around the corner I bumped into to Yam and Pisti. " Good morning y/n!" Said post. " Oh! Um, good morning."  I Said. " Why are you in your robes y/n? You must be freezing." Said, Yamriaha. We then walked back to my room.

On our way there I told them why I was in just a robe. " Wow, he really is a creep." Said post. " That's putting it nicely." Said Yam. As we arrive at my room, we see Sin about to knock on my door. " Sin? What are u doing in front of my room?" I asked.  Sin turned around surprised to see me not in my room. Then he looked to what I was wearing, " Why are you in a robe Y/n?"
" Well I don't know how, but I somehow ended up in Christopher's bed." From hearing that his eyebrows furrowed and a frown appeared on his face. " Did he touch you?" " I don't think so. He said he didn't." He sighed in relief. " what were you doing at my door though?" " I was going to check on you. After you left the office the other night with Christopher I didn't see you till now. I was worried that he was doing something to you so I searched for you but I couldn't find you. So I thought you just went to bed. " The weird thing is, I don't remember anything that happened after I left the office," I Said. " Hmm, later on, today let me check if anything was put into your system to have you forget." " Are you saying he might have drugged her." Sin asked with venom in is words. " He might have. Forgetting apart of something during a time period is apart of a sleeping drug." She said. " Yam, are you saying that he might have," Misti said. " Maybe," She said with a disgusted face. Sin became furious. " Yamraiha I need to know as soon as possible so that I can kill him sooner," I Said. " I will. Actually just let me draw some blood right now." She said. " Ok."

After a few minutes went by, Yam had taken some blood and then put a bandage on me. " it will take me a couple hours to find it. If I do, then I will inform you immediately." " Thanks, Yam." " Anything for a friend." "Cya around Y/n, Sin." Said piston as she and yam left the room. After a few minutes of silence, sin turned to me and broke it saying, " I shouldn't have let you leave with him." He said as he pulled me closer to him. " I'm fine. I don't think Christopher would go as low as to drug me." "I'm just saying y/n, that it is a possibility." He said as he put his arms around my waist. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled up at him. He leaned his head toward my hand as he put his hand around my wrist and gently kissed it.
" Your the most beautiful, smart, funny, and adventurous women I have ever met. I love you." " Oh Sin, I love you too." The space between us soon closed as he kissed me softly on the lips. After a few minutes went by I ended the kiss since we needed to breathe, but right after I got enough air into my lungs I kissed him again. Soon our kisses were becoming heated as he started to lead me to the bed. He laid me down and then got on top of me. We kept on kissing, as we were pealing our clothes off from each other. He moved his lips to my neck and chest, leaving love bites behind. I knew where this was going and I wanted it to happen. As if reading my mind, he looked at me. " Do you want to still continue this?" He asked. " Yeah."

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