Chapter 12

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Hi Everyone! I hope you had a great day!

I'm sorry for the late update! My schedule has been hectic with getting ready to go back to college in a week.

I apologize for any grammatical mistakes!


P.S. I just realized that the picture I chose to represent my OC of Christopher (yes I know this image is of a character from another anime but I didn't know until now😅) kind of looks like Sinbad. Lol


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Before Y/n met Sinbad.
10 year old Y/n

3rd pov

"So who are we meeting again?" Whispered Kala in Y/n ear. The young h/c turned to her cousin.

"Now that I think of it I can't remember. But they are a friend of my father."

"Ohhhh, I see. I did hear from the maids that there would be people are age coming too." Whispered Kala. Y/n looked towards her wide eyed.

"Really?! That's great!"

"I know! I'm really excited!"

"You know, the more you two whisper amongst yourselves the more distracted you'll be." Said Nio.

Y/n and Kala turned to look at him confused. Nio jokingly rolled his eyes and pointed his finger towards something in front of them.

The two girls looked and realized that a family was coming off of the ship.

A King and queen appeared infront of them along with three boys. The oldest boy was only a few years older than Nio. The second was a year older than Kala. And the youngest was the same age as Y/n.

"King Eric, Queen Mira it's so nice to see you both again." Said King Sebastian.

" It's been so long my friend." Said Eric as he briefly hugs Seba.

" Your sons have grown so much! Adam is almost your height."

" Haha yes he is. It's been so long that you've never met my youngest two. My second is Liam and my youngest Christopher. He's the same age as your daughter.

"How wonderful! The sun is beating hot today, let's continue inside. The war between Reim and Partevia is very heated at the moment. We need to discuss our procedure with our part in it." Said Seba as he along with the rest of the adults moved in to a carriage.

All the children besides Nio and Adam were in the second carriage.

" It's nice to meet you both!" Said Kala.

" Same here! But I didn't know Artinia had two princesses." Said Liam.

" There's only one. I'm just a lady. My cousin here is the princess." Kala said gesturing for her to talk.

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