Chapter 1

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Hi guys, so this is the first chapter. It is still my first time writing a story in magi and a character x reader story. I hope you like it.

Artinia was a peaceful country. The 26th king was king Sebastian Artinia. His ruling was great. Sebastian had two children. The older one was his son Nio, and then a few years later his daughter (y/n). As a young girl around the age of ten, (y/n) loved visiting the village with her family. In the morning, when the king and queen weren't busy, they would go around the nearby village and give food and clothing out to the people. If needing a job, they could work as a maid, gardener, or cook in the palace. The people of Artinia were very happy in the kingdom, hoping this peace would last for a long time.

6 years later
"Good morning your highness," Said Melody who was your personal maid. Getting no response from you she sighed saying,"Princess it's time to wake up, you're going to be late!" She opened the curtains to let some light in. " It's too early." You whined, putting the covers over your head. " I thought you liked going to the village to see your people?" Melody said getting a dress from your closet and putting it on the chair beside the bed.  As you began to sit up in bed you said," I do, but I don't understand why it's done so early in the morning." "It's the only time that your parents aren't busy. Now please get up (y/n), or your father will be upset that your late." Melody said leaving the room. " I have been doing this for 3 years and yet the same thing happens every day." Melody sighs but still has a smile on her face. Few minutes later you finally get yourself to get out of bed. Your father rarely got upset. Even if you did something you weren't supposed to do, he just corrected you and was disappointed if it was that serious. Seeing what Melody picked out for you seemed too much. So, instead you wore something nice and formal, but still not too much like a ball gown.
(The dress you wear is from the picture above.)

Walking out of your room and heading to the throne room, you see your mother and father giving your brother some daily tasks he would hopefully do, to prepare for being the next king. Over the years you noticed that Nio never wanted to do these tasks. He only wanted to become king for power. He didn't tell anyone that, and unfortunately your parents didn't notice except you.  " (y/n) you look beautiful this morning." Said your mother while giving you a hug and kiss on the forehead. " Thank you." " Is everything ready and prepared for in the carriage Rino?" Said your father as all of you were outside at the front of the palace. " Yes your highness, the food is warm and the clothes have been washed, dried, and folded neatly." Rino had said, who was the advisor of the kingdom. " Good. Thank you Rino."said your mother with a smile on her face. We all got in the second carriage and headed for the village.

In the village you saw the morning begin for business. Soon the carriage stopped, and you got out to help set up. All of a sudden someone called for your name while running towards you. It was your cousin Kala who was a couple of months older than you. You two have been best friends since you were toddlers. You were both the same age, though, she was responsible like a mature adult, but with just you and friends around she acted more like herself. Of course you were the same when need be, but had more of an adventurous side. " Hey Kala, what are you doing here?" You ask her while giving some food and clothes to a family of three. " I am here to help." She said smiling. " Awesome!" The next 5 and half hours went by and everyone in the village were given food and clothing. " Well today was busier than last time" You said as you put your ( h/l) (h/c) hair into a high ponytail as the weather was starting to get hot. When everything was packed away, you and Kala wondered around the village. " Hey (y/n), did Nio do what he is supposed to do today ?" Kala said chuckling. " Well I don't know what he is really supposed to be doing, but I think my father wants him to have a meeting with some new tradesmen . " You said as you paid for a nice but simply silver necklace with the Artinia flower on it.  " Hey, do you want to see how bad it goes?" Kala asks with cheeky smile on her face. " Sorry to take the fun out of it, but I also have to attend the meeting." You say, getting a frown from your cousin, making you laugh. " But why?" Said Kala, who had her eyebrows connecting together. " Actually, I don't know the answer myself." You said, having the same face expression as Kala. "Well I will ask later about it. We should head back, the meeting will start soon.

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