Chapter 4

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3 Months later


It was another beautiful morning in Sindria.
I have been here for 3 months now, healing and planning on what to do when I get back to Artinia. Every day since I have been in Sindria, I have been thinking of home. But everyday in Sindria, Sin, Aladdin, Yamraiha, and everyone else have been helping me stay happy.

I was heading to the dining room where everyone else were sitting, and again the only spot that was left was next to Sin. During the months weird things have happened between me and him, and I think I know who's causing it. "Good morning (y/n)!" Said Pisti. " Good morning." I said smiling at everyone taking a seat. " Did you get a good night sleep?" Asked sin. " I did. You?" " Yes." " (y/n), after breakfast can you come with me to the medical room so that I can check to see if you are fully healed?" Yamraiha asked. " Sure!"

After a nice breakfast I head to the medical room with Yamraiha. Entering the room, yam asks me to sit on the chair next to her desk. " ok , can you undue your top part of your dress so that i can see your rib cage?" "Ok" I said already used to doing this every week. Unwrapping the bandages, she checks to see if I am healed. After a few minutes she smiles at me saying," you are perfectly healed!" " Really?! That's awesome! Now I can go back to Artinia!" " yeah! Guess so. But you still want to go through that plan before you go." " Your right." " one thing that I am still wondering is how you lost your mogoi so fast. What did you do, to make that happen?" She questioned. " Well I don't know myself how. When I djinn equipped, and used one of my lowest powers I felt weak right away." I explained to her what I did. " you weren't sick or injured anytime near?" I shook my head. "Mhm." Yamraiha pondered for a few minutes until an imaginary light bulb went over her head. " were you given anything before you equipped? Like a drink or a potion?" She asked. " well the night before the coronation there was a big celebration. So I drank a bit too much. The next morning I had a huge hangover. Surprisingly my brother came in to wake me up after not seeing him for three years. He gave me a potion that he said would get rid of my headache. I took it and felt much better. Does that help at all?" Thinking again she said, " if you don't mind me asking. Were you and your brother close?" Well, when I was little my brother and I were really close. But when I was 14 I went into a dungeon with him. He was the one who was supposed to capture it, but failed. He almost died if it wasn't for me. I captured the dungeon. It felt like he held a grudge on me after that, but when my parents said that I was the next ruler instead of him he was furious. Years later my parents were murdered. Right away he left. He didn't even go to the funeral. Three years later he shows up out of no where on the day of my coronation. So I guess when we got older we got distant." " he might have poisoned you (y/n)." Yam said, giving me a worried look. I then gave her a look of disbelief. " I know he is very cold and distant, but he would never be that harsh." " well let me take some tests, just in case." I nodded my head slowly. ' my brother would never poison me. Would he?'

After taking the tests yam said that I could leave, saying that she hopes it  turns out the way I want. I was now walking down the hall looking for Sin, to go discuss the plans with him. I then see Ja'far walking towards my direction not looking happy. " Hi Ja'far!" I said walking towards him.  It took him a minute to get the mad face off, but it went to a happy one. " Hello y/n." " Do you know where Sin is? " I asked. He let out a sigh. " No. I am looking for him so that he can do his work." " Well if I find him then I will try to get him to do his work. If not I will help you finish it." " y/n I shouldn't be putting work on you. Your our guest. Plus you have your own country to worry about right now." He said. " oh it's fine Ja'far. I don't want you staying up until midnight, doing a weeks worth of paperwork." He then smiled at me. " thank you very much y/n. " he said. " no problem. I like to help. Well see you around Ja'far." I said as I started to walk the opposite direction of him. " bye (y/n)." He said starting to walk his way.

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