Chapter 6 Part 1

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Hello Everyone! Thanks for the 5k! You should go check out The Bridge to Brooklyn by blocked_out_the_moon . It is really good! Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Y/N Pov

After having a short ride to the palace, we got out and walked to the king/queen's office. Entering the room, I saw my brother's head low, glued to his work. He didn't notice anyone come in until I spoke. " Nio." As soon as I said his name, his head shot up surprised to hear my voice again." Y-Y/n, Is it really you?" He said choking on his words. He quickly got out of his seat and rushed to hug me. It surprised me very. Nio hasn't shown this much affection since we were children. " I thought that I lost you." When I s-aw saw Y-y-you get b-lasted away, I thought were d-dead. I couldn't comprehend it. My little sister, dead." " I'm not that easy to get rid of you know," I said, grinning. " You sure as hell not. It probably takes two of the strongest armies to maybe getting a chance in defeating you." Said Christopher, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and getting a menacing glare from Sin. Luckily for Sinbad, without your knowledge. " Since your back, we will have a celebration." Said Nio. " Also Y/n I ne-" Nio was cut off by the door opening with a similar voice. " Nio, Aldrin nee- y-y/n? Is that really you?" The woman quickly walked over to hug me. " K-Kala! You're ok." I said hugging her in return." " I'm ok? What are you talking about? I thought you were dead? When Aldrin told me, I couldn't handle it. I begged Aldrin to send the army to look for you. " " We looked for you everywhere, but you were nowhere to be found. We then had a funeral for you a month later. " said Christopher looking sad. " The day of your funeral was just as sad or even worse, for when our parents passed away." " Well, let's not talk about the past. I am here now. I have a question though, who was ruling during my absence?" I said, wondering how the kingdom was managing. " well at first it was my father Tevarro, but a week after your absence he fell ill." Said Kala, her hair covering her eyes so that no one could see her tears. I went over to her and put my hand on her shoulder for comfort. " Where is he now?" I asked " He is in bed, but he hasn't gotten any better." Said, Christopher. " Did you know how he fell ill?" Asked Sin. " no, one morning he just woke up feeling sick." Said Kala. " If you don't mind me asking if I can see him. I might be able to help." Said Yamuraiha. " That would be amazing, thank you! I will show you to his room," said Kala leading her out of the office. " Nio, we need to talk about what happened before I disappeared. " " yes, let's go to the meeting room," he said walking out of the room, everyone else following along.

3rd Person Pov

" So let me get this straight, you gave y/n a potion that a stranger gave to you, saying that he was a doctor that said it will help her feel better. After she got blasted by this man named Kado, he disappeared as well the man who gave you the potion." Said Pisti confused on the whole situation. " Yeah, that pretty much sums everything that went down that day." Said Nio. " I feel as though there is a bigger picture to this." Said Ja'Far. " Of course there is! We don't know who this Kado is nor the mysterious man!" Shouted Christopher. " " I Understand that, but even if we knew who it was, there still is something missing," Ja'far argued back. " I have to agree with Ja'far, even if we knew who had done this we still don't know why." Said Y/n. " Another question is, how did Tevarro become ill?" Asked Hinahoho. " He has nothing to do with this situation. Like any normal being he fell sick," said Christopher. " Actually he is a part of this. Many people can become sick from unnatural things. It's unusual how he becomes ill right after y/n's disappearance." Sinbad argued back. " What do you mean by " unnatural things"?" Nio Said narrowing his eyes. " I mean poison. Someone in this Kingdom could be trying to kill the royal family." Sinbad responded. " Why would anyone want to do this? The royal family of Artinia is loved by all the people. " Said, Christopher. " Well, not everyone. When my parents were murdered in there sleep as well my life almost being taken away from me the same way." Said Y/n. " So we could say that someone is after the royal family," said Spartos. " Someone could have had a hate on the royal family, but that was year's ago. It must be something else. Why would they strike three months ago instead of the years in between?" Said, Christopher. " My question is, why do you keep on defending this from the truth?" Sinbad asked narrowing his eyes towards Christopher." I am not defending the truth. I am only trying to get every detail we can to figure this out. Why do you even care? You're not part of this Kingdom." Said, Christopher. "I could say the same for you." Said, Sinbad. " Actually I'm-" " Christopher shut your mouth" Nio yelled cutting him off. Christopher's eyes than widened realizing what he almost had said. " What are y-" Y/n said before being cut off from the door opening, revealing Yamuriha and Kala. " Were you able to help him?" Y/n asked. " Yes, he will be better tomorrow after some sleep." Said Yam. " That's Good." Y/n said relieved. " But, I found the same type of substance that I have found in your blood Y/n." She said. " You got the results back?" Y/n asked. " Yes, and what I have found was poison. Luckily it was a very small dosage, but it was enough for both you and Tevarro to become ill." " Well then, we have an even bigger situation her, and some suspects." Said Ja'far. Before anyone could argue there was a knock at the door. " Who is it?" Asked Nio. " It is Aldrin." " Come in." Opening the door, the first person he sees was y/n. " Y/n, You-you're alive!"  he said walking over to hug her. Standing up she gave him a hug. " Aldrin I am hurt that you thought I could die so easily." She said jokingly. " I didn't I always thought that you were alive somewhere out there and that you would come home soon." He said releasing from the hug. " What is your reason for coming here, Aldrin?" " Ah yes, I came to tell that the festival is all ready and the people all outside are waiting for you to come out." "Ok then. We will discuss this tomorrow." As everyone was leaving Nio called out, " y/n and Christopher. Could I talk to you two in private?" " Of course." y/n said staying in the room. " You should take a sit for this." Said, Christopher. Sitting down Nio started to speak saying, " Y/N in 3 months the coronation will be held again ." " Ok, but why so far into the future?" Y/n asked.  " Well, there will be a wedding held in the palace in two months." " Oh, who's getting married?" Y/n asked.

" Well, you and Christopher of course."

Hi everyone! Sorry again for the long wait and that it was short. I will publish the second part sometime tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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