Very Important Update!!!!!!!

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First off, I won't to apologize form the bottom of my heart about the severe lack of updates

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First off, I won't to apologize form the bottom of my heart about the severe lack of updates. The start of school has made putting all my time into this very hard to update.

Luckily, I am able to manage my schedule well and I have time set aside now to update weekly.

Here is more SERIES NEWS!!!

Though I do love my fanfiction writing, I am a writer who aspires to do it as a serious profession. In my classes I've learned a lot of the rules of publishing my own work. Though this is placed under a fanfiction. It's 99% my own story. The only thing I don't own are some character names and some settings. But mainly it's all my own.

Its come to my attention that this plot is connected to something I've been working on separately. So I'm letting you all know that I will write an ending for this fanfiction. Also as a warning after the last chapter is published the story will only stay on Wattpad for 30 days until I remove it forever. (And guys saying this is hurting me so much. But it has to be done.😭😭😭)


Despite the Sinbad Magi fanfic being on the brink of extinction. (Which is sad cause it's my favorite) I am starting a new Sinbad fanfic that will forever stay on Wattpad. (So if you ever start missing your fanfics, the new one will always be here for you.)

I've already started working on the first chapter of the new one. And I promise you, it's going to be longer and better than this one.

The Epilogue will appear on: Oct 29th.

The story will be removed on: Nov 29th.

I would really love to know your thoughts and opinions!

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