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You strolled through Ritou, enjoying the bustling environment of the festival. You couldn't help but smile, the weather was perfect and the people of Inazuma seemed much more happier since the end of the vision hunt decree. You had traveled to Inazuma for a change of scenery, the desire to travel winning out.

You stopped at a vendor's stall, admiring the goods for sale. Yelling startled you from your ogling.

"Is anybody here a doctor?! We need a doctor!" A panicked voice shouted.

People stared, and you followed their line of sight. A bulky man was slumped on the ground. He looked severely ill. Your healing instincts overtook you, and you ran towards the man and his yelling friends.

"Tell me what happened," You spoke, crouching to level with the fallen man, looking up at the friends.

"He has a bean allergy, the drink he had contained beans!" One of them recalled worriedly.

The fallen man groaned.

"Can you move him under the tree over there?" You pointed, and pulled your bag off your shoulder.

The men nodded and you moved under the tree waiting. You searched in your bag for the herbs to aid him, grinding them up and making your medicinal concoction. Struggling, the men (not gently) placed the man under the tree. You realized he was an Oni, his crimson horns standing proud amidst his flowing silver locks.

"Alright, I'm going to need you to try to swallow this, okay?" You spoke softly to the suffering man, earning a groan in return.

You parted his lips with one hand, and the other held a spoonful of the mix you created. You were careful to avoid his sharp teeth. He accepted the mix and swallowed, though, it took a minute. He was really struggling.

"One more spoonful, and I'll get you some water, okay?" You cooed, feeling sorry for the man.

He took the final spoonful like a champ, and you put a canteen of water to his mouth and slowly let him drink.

"Is he going to be okay?" One of his friends asked.

"Yes, he'll be fine. He needs to rest and let the medicine kick in," You reassured as you packed your stuff away again.

The man was no longer groaning, and was trying to open his eyes. Trying. He could barely keep his eyes open before they would close again.

"I'll stay here with him and make sure he's okay, you all can stay too or go enjoy the festivities," You glanced back to the Oni.

His friends decided to go get some food. They promised to bring some back for you as well, though you insisted it was okay. As you waited and watched the Oni, you began reading a novel. Might as well keep yourself occupied, since the concoction may take a bit to work.

"Have I died and gone to Celestia?" A voice spoke beside you, startling you.

"Not yet, dear. Is the medicine kicking in for you?" Your eyes traced over him, and your cheeks pinked upon realizing how little he wore on his top half.

"I think so, I don't feel deathly ill anymore," He gave you a little laugh.

"What's your name, mysterious doctor?" His eyes were now open without issue, and he scanned your body with them.

"Y/N. I'm not from Inazuma. What's yours, Oni?" You smiled at him.

"Arataki Itto, the one and Oni," Itto beamed proudly.

"It's nice to meet you, despite the conditions of so," You turned from his gaze, blushing.

"You as well, doc. Thank you for saving my butt back there. Beans! Can you believe it? They put beans in that drink and served it when I'm clearly an oni!" Itto huffed, leaning his head against the tree.

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