🖤❄️Chapter 1❄️🖤 🖤❄️Day One Of The Festival❄️🖤

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In the town of Romania.
There was a little place where Vampires lived.
Now, not everyone knew about this little place where they lived.
But, for those that did, knew to stay away.
The townspeople and Vampires lived far apart.
That way no one would cross paths or get hurt.
But, sometimes they would cross paths.
And, when that would happen, someone would get hurt.
So, they tried to stay away from each other.

So, while the townspeople lived in the town, the Vampires lived in a little place out in the woods.
The townspeople didn't care that the Vampires lived out in the woods.
As long as it was far away from them.
And, the Vampires didn't mind living in the woods.
They liked it there better than in town.

Now, in the little Vampire town in the woods.
Lived a Vampire named, Cade.
Cade had Dark Hair, and, Blue-Green Eyes.
He had been turned into a Vampire a very long time ago.
Sometimes he hated it, and, sometimes he didn't.

Cade lived alone in a house in the woods.
And, there was a lot of Vampires who lived next door to him.
He liked staying home, but, he went out a lot.
He'd go out for Blood a lot.
And, he went to the town more than he should have.
Every now and again he'd go to town, looking for someone to bite.
He'd never kill anyone, he just wanted Blood.

And, one night, he had gone to the town.
He knew that there was a party going on in the town.
And, he thought that that would be perfect for finding someone to bite.
So, he had gone to the party.

And, when he got there...
There was a Festival going on.
The Festival was for everyone that wanted to go.
Even some of the Vampires would go, too.
At the Festival, everyone there was wearing a Costume.
That's why some of the Vampires would go.
They went because no one would suspect them of being Vampires since everyone was wearing a Costume.
And, since everyone wore a Costume, Cade knew that no one would suspect him of being a Vampire.
They would just believe that he was just pretending to be a Vampire.
So, as Cade walked out of the woods, and, walked into the Festival.
He looked around at everyone at the party.
And, all he saw was everyone wearing different Costumes.
He saw people dressed as Vampires, Witches, Princesses, and Princes.
He also saw people dressed as Werewolves, Zombies, and Wizards.
And, as he walked through the crowd of people, he actually liked not being noticed as a Vampire, but, as somebody dressed in a Costume, even though he really was a Vampire.
As he walked past the crowd of people, he was looking for someone to bite.
He was looking for someone who looked like they were easy to bite.
He was looking for someone who he could get alone.
He wanted Blood...
And, he was willing to do anything to get it...
So, as Cade continued walking through crowds of people.
He didn't see anyone who was alone.
Most of the people he saw, were with someone.
So, he kept on looking...
And, even though he was looking for someone to bite, he did want to be at the Festival.
He didn't just want Blood, he also just wanted to be at the party, too.
While he was there, there were a lot of things to do at the party.
There were a lot of games, and, different things that everyone did.
There was even a Costume Contest, too.
There was so many things for everyone to do.
And, Cade was playing some games, too.
And, as he walked around, he played some different games.
And, while playing some of the games, there was a lot of people around him.
But, none of those people were alone, so, he couldn't bite them.

But, he was still looking for someone to bite.
And, as Cade walked around the Festival, he saw the Costume Contest.
And, he went to it.
And, when he got there, there was a crowd of people by the stage.
They were watching the Contest.
And, Cade walked into the crowd of people, looking around for Blood.
But, everyone he looked at, wasn't alone...
And, now he was starting to get a little annoyed.
He wanted Blood, but, everyone he saw wasn't alone.
And, as he, and, everyone else was watching the Contest, they saw all the Costumes up on the stage.
And, then they picked a winner of the Costume Contest.
They picked a girl dressed as a Vampire.
Cade then walked away from the crowd a little bit.
And, as he was walking through the crowd of people, he ran into someone.
He ran into a girl that was walking the other way.
The girl was dressed as a Vampire.
And, as he ran into her, she dropped her hat.
"Sorry..." said the girl as she was looking down at her hat.
And, at first he was a little mad, and, he didn't even look at her because she was looking at the ground.
"Why don't you look where you're going?" said Cade sounding a little mad.
"I said, I was sorry..." said the girl as she looked up at him.
And, when he saw her, he stopped being so mean to her.
"Uhhh, no...
You don't have to be sorry.
It's my fault.
I ran into you." said Cade as he was being nice to the girl.
And, then the girl smiled.
She then looked down at her hat that fell on the ground when he ran into her.
He then saw her looking at the ground, and, when he looked at the ground, he saw her hat.
So, he picked it up for her.
And, as he held onto her hat, he apologized again.
"I'm sorry..." said Cade as he handed her her hat.
"It's ok...
Thank you..." said the girl as she took her hat back.
"Yeah..." said Cade.
And, as she took her hat back, she touched his hand.

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