🖤❄️Chapter 14❄️🖤🖤❄️Cade's Story Of Being Turned❄️🖤

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And, then it feels like nothing ever happened." said Cade.
And, when Marianna heard all that, she couldn't believe how horrible it sounded.
"So, before you're turned...
You suffer a lot?" said Marianna sounding a little sad.
"Yes." said Cade.
Then Marianna wondered if Cade suffered when he was turned.
"Did you suffer when you were turned?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, I did." said Cade.
"What happened when you were turned?" Marianna wondered.
"Do you really wanna know?" Cade asked.
"Yeah, I wanna know." said Marianna.
"Ok, I'll tell you." said Cade.
Cade was going to tell Marianna what happened to him when he was turned.
But, he wasn't going to tell her who turned him.
He was just gonna tell her what happened.
"When I was bitten...
I was bitten with Venom.
So, I was being turned." said Cade.
"What happened after you were bitten?" Marianna asked.
"After I was bitten.
I was left alone.
I was left there all alone without anyone to help me." said Cade.
"What did you do?" Marianna wondered.
There was nothing I could do.
So, I stayed there all alone." said Cade.
"Then what?" said Marianna.
"While I was left there.
I was turning.
And, the pain I felt was almost unbearable." said Cade.
"What did it feel like?" Marianna asked.
"The pain I felt from the Venom...
Was the most agonizing pain I've ever felt.
I felt it burning through me.
I felt it burning through my veins.
Every part of me, felt like it was burning.

And, it wouldn't stop.
No matter what." said Cade.
"And, you were left alone to deal with that?" said Marianna.
"Yeah, I was." said Cade.
And, Marianna thought that it was sad.
"Then what?" Marianna asked.
"While I was turning.
I had no one to help me.
And, all the pain I felt, I wanted it to go away.
But, it wouldn't.
So, I just stayed there.
Dealing with the pain alone.
And, I was scared." said Cade.
"What did you feel like?" Marianna asked.
"I honestly felt like I was dying.
And, actually...I was dying." said Cade.
"What was it doing to you?" said Marianna.
"The Venom was killing me slowly.
And, very painfully.
I was dying a very slow, and, painful death.
And, I wanted it to stop more than anything." said Cade.
"Did it ever stop?" Marianna wondered.
"After awhile...
The Venom had gone through my body.
And, through my veins.
And, eventually...
The Venom had reached my heart." said Cade.
"Then what happened?" said Marianna.
"Once the Venom had reached my heart.
I felt my heart stop.
And, once it stopped, so, did the pain.
It's like when the Venom had stopped my heart.
It stopped all of the pain that I had felt from the Venom.
It was like the pain never happened.
And, I was fine..." said Cade.
"So, you suffered a lot.

Before you turned?" said Marianna.
"Yeah, I did..." said Cade.
Marianna then wondered how long he was left there.
"How long were you left there alone?" Marianna asked.
"Well, from what I remember.
I remember it was dark out.
And, then I was bitten.
I then remember being there alone all night.
Dealing with everything by myself.
And, after I was turned.
I remember seeing daylight.
And, knowing that I had been there all night." said Cade.
"So, you were left there to suffer all alone?
And, all night, by yourself?
With no one to help you?" said Marianna.
"Yeah, I was..." said Cade.
And, Marianna thought that it was very sad that he had to go through all of that alone.
She then wondered what happened after he was turned.
"What happened after you were turned?" Marianna asked.
"After I was turned.
I left where I was.
And, went someplace else.
And, the Vampire who turned me.
He went looking for me.
And, wanted me to be one of his Vampires.
And, be a part of the other Vampires who had joined him." said Cade.
"Did you join him?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, I did join him." said Cade.
"Why?" Marianna wondered.
"I joined him because I really didn't have anywhere else to go.
And, I really didn't have a choice either.
So, I stayed...
Even though I didn't want to." said Cade.
She then wondered if he was still with the other Vampires.
"Are you still one of the other Vampires?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, I am still one of them." said Cade.

"Do you still stay with them?" Marianna wondered.
"No, I don't stay with them anymore." said Cade.
"After you left...
Did things get any better for you?" said Marianna.
"To be honest...
Things didn't get any better for me...
Even though I was away from them.
I still felt like I was suffering.
Because of the way I was.
I was now a Vampire.
So, I was still suffering." said Cade.
And, then Marianna felt bad for him.
And, she also felt very sad for him, too.
So, she then got closer to him, and, stayed there.
She then wondered if he was still suffering.
"Are you still suffering?" Marianna asked sounding sad.
"No, I'm not anymore." said Cade.
"Why?" Marianna wondered as she looked at him.
Because...of you..." said Cade.
And, Marianna just looked at him with tears in her eyes.
"Because I have you...
I'm not suffering anymore..." said Cade.
And, while he talked, she was trying not to cry.
"Before I met you...
I was very alone, and, I was suffering from being a Vampire...
But, then when I met you...
That all changed..." said Cade.
And, then Marianna had tears running down her face.
And, when Cade saw her tears, he wiped them away.
"You changed the way I felt...
Because I have you...
I'm not suffering anymore...
You made me feel better about everything...
And, because I have you...

I don't feel like I did before...
I feel like I'm something...
And, I've never felt like that before..." said Cade.
And, she started to cry.
And, while she cried, he wiped away her tears.
I'm not suffering anymore...
Because I have you..." said Cade as he wiped away her tears.
"Do you mean that?" Marianna asked as she cried.
"Yeah, I mean it..." said Cade.
She then smiled at him, and, he smiled back at her.
And, as Cade saw how late it was.
He thought that Marianna should get some sleep.
"Now, it's pretty late...
So, you should probably get some sleep..." said Cade.
"I know..." said Marianna.
And, as she got closer to him, he put his arms around her, and, held onto her.
She then wondered if he'd still be there when she fell asleep, and, when she woke up.
"Will you still be here when I fall asleep?
And, when I wake up?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, I'll still be here..." said Cade.
Because, I want you to be here..." said Marianna.
"I know..." said Cade.
And, while she was in his arms, he was holding onto her, and, she was holding onto him.
And, as Marianna was falling asleep, she stopped crying.
As she was falling asleep, Cade held onto her.
And, when she fell asleep, she stayed in his arms.
And, as Cade looked at Marianna, he saw that she was finally asleep.
He then covered her up in her blanket, and, let her sleep.
And, then he got underneath the blanket, too, and, stayed next to her.
And, as he was lying next to her, he went to sleep, too.
And, while they slept, they stayed close to each other.

A little while later...
Cade had woken up.

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