🖤❄️Chapter 3❄️🖤🖤❄️Cade's Story❄️🖤

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So, Cade told her some of the story.
"It's a long story.
But, half of it is that he's a Vampire who doesn't want us to be around Humans unless we want Blood.
Otherwise, being around Humans for any other reasons besides Blood.
Is against the Rules." Cade explained.
"Vampires have Rules?" said Marianna.
Some Vampires have Rules.
And, some don't." said Cade.
"Have you broken any Rules?" said Marianna.
"Yes, I have." said Cade as he got closer to her.
"Like what?" Marianna asked.
"Too many to count." said Cade as he put his head on hers.
"Will you get into any trouble because of me?" said Marianna.
But, not too much trouble.
So, don't worry about it." said Cade.
Cade then got closer to Marianna, and, he kissed her.
"Come on.
Let's go back to the party." said Cade.
"Ok." said Marianna.
Cade then took Marianna's hand, and, they both left the Tent, and, went back to the party outside.
And, as they went back to the Festival, they were still being watched.
But, it wasn't Mira who was watching them this time.
This time it was another Vampire watching them.
His name was, Adam.
And, he had Blonde Hair, and, Dark Eyes.
And, just like Mira, he was there to keep an eye on the other Vampires who were there.
And, to keep an eye on Cade, too.
So, as he watched them, he knew that the girl Cade was with at the party was Human.
And, he knew that once Kane found out about it, that he was gonna be mad.

As the Festival went on, everyone there was having fun at the party.
And, as it was getting late.
Mira was still there.

And, she was looking for Adam.
So, as Mira looked around, the crowd of people, she sensed where Adam was.
So, she left the crowd, and, went to find him.
And, as Mira found Adam, she wanted to talk to him.
"Have you been watching the others?" said Mira as she walked over to him.
"Yeah, I have been." said Adam.
"Did you see Cade?" Mira asked.
"Yeah, I did." said Adam.
Then they started talking about Cade.
"What does he think he's doing anyways?
She's Human." said Adam.
"Yeah, I know.
I asked him what he was doing.
But, he said that it was none of my business." said Mira.
"He's already broken a lot of the Rules already.
And, now he's breaking even more Rules." said Adam.
"I know.
I tried to tell him that.
But, he didn't want to listen." said Mira.
"He never listens." said Adam.
"When Kane finds out what Cade's doing.
He's going to be very upset." said Mira.
"Well, that's Cade's problem.
Not ours." said Adam.
I guess you're right." said Mira.
And, as it was getting late.
Adam, Mira, and, the others were going to have to leave the Festival, and, go back home.
"It's getting late.
We should go find the others, and, go." said Adam.
"Ok." said Mira.
Adam and Mira then left, and, went to find the others.
And, then they were going to leave.
So, once Adam and Mira found all the other Vampires there, they told them that it was time to go.
And, before they left, Mira wanted to find Cade, and, tell him that it was time to leave.
And, as Mira walked away, Adam wondered where she was going.

"Hey, where are you going?" Adam asked.
"I'm going to find Cade.
And, tell him that it's time to go." said Mira.
"Ok." said Adam.
So, as Mira left to find Cade, Adam stayed there with the others.
And, as Mira walked around, she sensed where Cade was.
So, she went to go talk to him.
And, as Mira found Cade, she stood there, and, watched him for a second.
She saw that he was still with Marianna.
So, she walked over to them.
And, as she was walking towards them, Marianna saw her.
And, she got a little scared.
And, as Cade looked at Marianna, he saw that she was a little afraid.
And, he wondered why.
So, he asked her.
"What's wrong?
Why do you look so scared?" Cade asked as he touched her hand.
"Because, she's back." said Marianna as she held onto his hand.
"Who?" Cade asked.
"Mira." said Marianna.
Then as Marianna looked over, she pointed to Mira walking over to them.
And, as Cade turned around, he saw Mira walking over to them.
And, he wondered what she wanted now.
"I wonder what she wants now?" said Cade.
"I don't know." said Marianna.
And, as Mira walked over to them, she wanted to talk to Cade.
"I need to talk to you." said Mira.
What do you want now?" Cade asked.
"All the other Vampires are leaving now.
So, you should go, too." said Mira.
"I really don't want to leave right now.
I'll leave when I want to." said Cade.
"Fine..." said Mira.
Mira then walked away from them.
And, went back to Adam, and, the others.

And, when Mira went back to Adam, and, the others.
She walked over to them.
"So, did you find Cade?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, I did." said Mira.
"Did you tell him that we were leaving?" Adam wondered.
"I told him that we were leaving.
And, that he should go, too.
But, he didn't want to leave.
He said that he wants to stay.
So, then I left, and, came back here." Mira explained.
"Well, it doesn't matter.
Cade can stay if he wants to.
He may like breaking the Rules.
But, that doesn't mean that we have to." said Adam.
"Yeah, you're right.
Let's go." said Mira.
And, so, Adam, Mira, and, the other Vampires had left the Festival, and, gone home.
But, there was one Vampire that didn't leave, and, go home.
And, that was Cade.
Cade wanted to stay at the Festival with Marianna.

And, back at the Festival.
Cade and Marianna were talking.
And, as they were walking around the party.
Marianna kept on thinking about Mira.
And, Marianna wondered why Mira wanted him to leave.
So, she asked him.
"So, why did she want you to leave?" Marianna asked.
"She just wanted me to leave.
Because, Kane doesn't want some of the Vampires to stay out too late.
Because, we live close to the Humans.
And, he just doesn't want us to get into any trouble.
That's why." Cade explained.
"I can understand that." said Marianna.
"Yeah, so, can I.
But, I don't need to be told that.

I know it's dangerous to be out when there's people around.
But, that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna do what I want to." said Cade.
"So, about those Rules.
Do they follow them?
And, you don't?" Marianna asked.
"Well, yeah.
They follow all the Rules.
And, I don't some of the time." said Cade.
"Why?" Marianna wondered.
"Because, some of the Rules.
I just don't see any reason to follow them.
Some of the Rules are fine to follow.
But, some of them are not." said Cade.
"So, you just don't agree with some of them.
Right?" said Marianna.
"Yeah." said Cade.
So, as they were walking around the Festival, Cade touched Marianna's hand, and, held onto it.
And, Marianna then got closer to Cade.
So, as they stayed at the party, they talked a lot.

Somewhere else in Romania...
There was a Castle.
And, it was home to many Vampires.
The one's who lived there were different Vampires.
Those Vampires had a lot of Rules to follow.
And, that was because they were Full Blooded Vampires, and, not Half Vampires.
Full Blooded Vampires lived in the Castle, and, one's who were Half did not.
The Full Blooded Vampires wanted to live in the Castle.
And, the Half Vampires lived wherever they wanted to.
The one's who lived there were, Mira, Adam, Cade, and, the other Vampires.
And, the one who ruled the Castle was Kane.
Kane had very Dark Hair, and, Red Eyes.
He ruled the Castle.
And, made the Rules for the other Vampires to follow.
Most of the Vampires who lived at the Castle, feared him.

And, most did not.
And, Cade, he did fear Kane, but, not like the others did.
Now, for Vampires who lived in the Castle, they had special powers.
Each Vampire had their own special power, and, then some Vampires had a lot of special powers.
Some Vampires had only one power, and, then some Vampires had a lot of different powers they could do.
But, every Vampire was different...
And, not every Vampire got to live in the Castle.
And, that was because Kane only let Full Blooded Vampires live in the Castle.
And, not Half Blood Vampires.
The reason for that was because, Kane was a Full Blooded Vampire.
Which meant that he was born a Vampire, and, not turned.
Making him a Full Blood, and, not a Half Blood.
But, there were exceptions...
Kane would allow Half Blood Vampires into the Castle...
But, only if they had some sort of special power that could be useful to him.
And, in that Castle, there was only one Vampire who was not a Full Blood.
But, a Half Blood.
And, that Vampire was none other than...Cade...
Cade was a Half Blood Vampire.
Which meant that he was born Human, but, was turned into a Vampire.
And, the Vampire who turned Cade, was Kane himself.
And, the reason Kane turned Cade was because, he sensed that Cade had a lot of different powers.
Even though he was Human, he knew that once he turned him, that he would be able to use the powers that he could not use when he was Human.
And, that's the reason Kane turned Cade...

So, back at the Castle...
Adam, Mira, and, the other Vampires had returned to the Castle after going to the Festival.
And, after everyone had gone back to their rooms, Mira was still thinking about Cade.
And, as Adam looked at Mira, he saw that she seemed distracted.
And, he wondered why.
So, he asked her...
"Something wrong?" Adam asked.
"No..." said Mira.

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