🖤❄️Chapter 6❄️🖤🖤❄️Kane's Talk With Cade❄️🖤

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No matter what she told him.
It didn't change his mind about her.
After awhile of thinking about everything that happened that day.
Marianna turned over, and, reached for the candle.
When she took the candle, she blew out the flame.
As she put the candle back on the floor, she covered up with her blanket, and, went to sleep.
As she was trying to sleep, it was cold in the cabin.
But, Marianna was used to it.
So, she got up out of her bed.
And, she then walked over to the closet, and, opened it.
She then looked around.
And, she saw another blanket.
So, she grabbed it.
Marianna then shut the closet door, and, walked away.
And, as she walked over to her bed, she sat down.
She then got back into her bed, and, covered up with both blankets.
That way she would stay warm.
Marianna then felt better, and, she wasn't as cold.
She felt a little warmer being under both blankets.
She then went to sleep...

Back in the woods...
Cade was walking home.
He was walking back home from Marianna's cabin.
And, after awhile of walking, he had walked back to the Vampire's side of the woods.
And, as he was walking back to his cabin, he saw someone standing there on the porch.
And, as Cade stood there, he saw that it was Kane standing there.
And, he knew that if he was there, then he wanted to talk to him.
So, as Cade started walking again, he walked up the stairs.
And, as he walked up to his door, he stood there.
He wanted to know why Kane was there.
So, he asked...
"What are you doing here?" Cade asked as he crossed his arms.
"I just thought that I'd come by to talk to you." said Kane.
Then Cade wondered since Mira had seen him with Marianna.

If she had told Kane about it.
"For what reason?
Why would you need to talk to me?" Cade wondered.
"Well, earlier tonight.
I was told somethings about you." said Kane.
"What kinds of things were you told about me?" said Cade.
I was told that you were seen with a Human girl." said Kane.
Then Cade wondered if Mira had told him.
"Did Mira tell you that?" Cade asked.
"Yes, she did." said Kane.
And, then Cade seemed upset.
"And, she's not the only one who saw you with her.
Adam also saw you with her, too." said Kane.
"Yeah, well.
They should learn to mind their own business." said Cade sounding a little upset.
And, now, since Kane was told about Cade being around a Human girl.
He wanted to know why.
So, he asked...
"Now, Mira and Adam already told me what they saw you doing.
And, now I want to hear it from you.
So, what exactly were you doing tonight, Cade?" Kane asked as he crossed his arms.
"All I did was go to the Festival, looking for Blood.
That's what I did tonight." said Cade trying to avoid talking about Marianna.
"You know what I mean!
I don't care about you going to the Festival for Blood." said Kane sounding a little upset.
And, as Kane took a step closer to Cade, he took a step back.
"I wanna know what you were doing with that Human girl." said Kane.
So, I was around a Human girl.
But, I was only around her.
For her Blood.
Nothing else..." said Cade trying to lie.
"Really?" said Kane.
"Yeah." said Cade.
Then Kane knew that Cade was lying, because Mira and Adam both saw him.

"Well, that doesn't really make any sense.
Because Mira and Adam both saw you.
And, what they told me is very different from what you're telling me, now.
Now, why don't you tell me the truth instead of lying to me?" said Kane.
"I don't have to explain anything.
What I do is my business.
Not yours." said Cade.
"That may be true.
But, you're apart of us, Cade.
So, what you do is my business.
And, you know that." Kane explained.
Cade didn't want to tell him about Marianna, because, he didn't want him trying to hurt her, or anything.
"Now, let's try this again...
Why were you around this Human girl?" Kane asked again.
"Like I said.
I wanted her Blood." said Cade.
And, what he said was true.
But, he didn't just want her Blood, he wanted her, too.
"And, how do you feel about this Human girl?" Kane wondered.
And, when Kane asked that, Cade didn't know what to say.
He liked Marianna a lot.
But, didn't wanna tell Kane that.
And, as Cade looked away from Kane, he didn't say anything.
And, when he didn't say anything, Kane knew how he felt about the Human girl.
"You like this Human girl?
Don't you?" Kane asked.
"No, I don't..." Cade said lying.
"That's not what Mira and Adam told me." said Kane.
"And, what exactly did they tell you?" Cade asked.
"Mira told me that you were dancing with this girl at one of the parties in the Tent.
And, that you bit her..." said Kane.
"So what?
I just wanted to bite her.
That's all..." said Cade sounding defensive.
"Right..." said Kane while not believing him.

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