🖤❄️Chapter 11❄️🖤🖤❄️Bite Marks❄️🖤

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"I know, right?" said Korin.
And, as Korin and Marianna were talking, Cade liked that they were getting along.
"Well, I should get going.
And, let you two get back to the party." said Korin.
"Ok." said Marianna.
"I'll see you around." said Cade.
"Bye..." said Korin.
"Bye..." said Marianna and Cade.
Korin then left, and, went back to the party.
Then Cade and Marianna went back to dancing.
"So, she seems nice." said Marianna.
"Yeah, she is." said Cade.
"And, she's a Mermaid." said Marianna.
"Yeah, she is a Mermaid." said Cade.
"So, do you know a Werewolf, too?" Marianna asked.
"Uhhh, no...
I don't.
Sorry." said Cade.
"That's ok.
I like Vampires a lot more anyway." said Marianna.
"Good to know." said Cade.
Cade then kissed Marianna.
And, as he let go, they looked at each other.
They then left the place where they were dancing, and, walked around.
While walking around the party, Cade was holding onto Marianna's hand.
And, then he noticed that there was a Tent where people were taking pictures.
And, he saw that there were a lot of people getting their pictures taken.
And, when Cade saw them getting their picture taken, he thought about it.
He thought about getting pictures taken of him and Marianna.
He then looked at her.
And, when she saw him looking at her, she wondered why.
So, she asked...
Why are you staring at me?" Marianna asked.
"Come with me." said Cade.
"Where?" Marianna wondered.

"Do you trust me?" Cade asked.
"Yes, I do." said Marianna.
"Then follow me." said Cade.
"Ok." Marianna said.
Cade then took her hand, and, he was walking someplace else.
And, Marianna followed him.
And, while they were walking, Marianna didn't know where they were going.
But, she trusted Cade.
And, as Cade and Marianna walked up to a Tent, she wondered about it.
The Tent had a lot of pictures on it.
And, when she saw all the pictures on the Tent, she knew that it was where people were getting their pictures taken.
"Really?" said Marianna.
"Yeah." said Cade.
"You really want us to take pictures?" said Marianna.
"Yeah, I do." said Cade.
"Why?" Marianna asked.
"Because, I think that it'll be fun." said Cade.
"Ok." said Marianna.
Then, Cade and Marianna walked into the Tent to get their pictures taken.
And, once inside the Tent, they got their pictures taken together.
They had gotten two pictures.
One picture was of Cade and Marianna.
And, the second picture was just of Marianna.
And, after they got their pictures taken, they walked out of the Tent.
"So, which picture do  you want?" Cade asked as he held both of the photos in his hands.
"I want this one." said Marianna as she took the photo of him and her together.
"Then it looks like I get this one." said Cade as he held the photo of just her on it.
Marianna then smiled, and, he smiled back at her.
"Come on, let's go." said Cade as he took her hand.
"Ok, let's go back to the party." said Marianna.
Cade and Marianna then went back to the party.
And, when they got back to to the party, they went back to dancing.
And, while they danced, Cade noticed the bite marks on Marianna's neck.
He knew that those marks were from when he bit her.
"I probably should've told you that after I bit you.

That you'd have marks on your neck for awhile." said Cade.
"It's ok.
I don't mind it." said Marianna.
Then Cade moved her hair, and, touched her neck.
He then moved his hand across the bite marks.
And, as he did that, she looked at him.
As she looked at him, she saw that his eyes were changing colors.
His eyes then changed to Red, and, she saw his Fangs.
But, she wasn't scared of him.
"Your eyes are Red.
And, your Fangs are showing." said Marianna.
"I know...
That happens sometimes.
Especially, when I'm around someone that's Human.
And, I want their Blood." Cade explained.
"Do you want my Blood?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, I do." said Cade.
"Then you can bite me.
If you want to." said Marianna.
"Are you sure?" Cade asked.
"Yeah, you can if you want to." said Marianna.
Cade then smiled at her.
He then got closer to her, and, kissed her.
And, as he let go, he got closer to her neck.
He then bit her.
And, as he bit her, it did hurt her.
But, she wasn't afriad, because she knew that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her on purpose.
He then let go of her.
And, as he looked at her, she was looking at him.
As she was looking at him, she saw his eyes change colors again.
And, then his eyes changed back, and, weren't Red anymore.
But, even though his eyes changed back, his Fangs were still showing.
"Your eyes changed back.
They're not Red anymore.
But, your Fangs are still showing." said Marianna while looking up at him.
"Yeah, that happens.

My eyes will change back.
But, my Fangs don't always disappear when I want them to." Cade explained.
Then Marianna just smiled at him.
Cade then put his hand back on Marianna's neck.
And, he moved his hand across the bite marks again.
He then put his hand over the bite marks, and, put his hand on her neck.
And, when he did that, he felt her heartbeat.
He could feel her heart beating on his hand just by touching her neck.
She then put her hand on his, and, held his hand against her neck.
Cade then got closer to Marianna.
And, he kissed her.
He then put his head on hers.
So, then they stayed at the party for awhile longer.
And, as the night went on, a lot of people were leaving.
And, the Festival was just about over.
As it was getting late, everyone was leaving the party.
And, as Cade and Marianna looked around, they saw everyone leaving.
But, they continued dancing...
And, after awhile...
The Festival was over, and, everyone there had left.
But, Cade and Marianna were still there.
They were still dancing.
And, as they looked around them, they saw that everyone there was gone.
And, when they saw that the place was empty, they knew that the party was over.
And, the Festival was over, too.
"Well, it looks like the party is over.
And, so is the Festival." said Marianna.
"Yeah, looks like it.
Everyone's gone.
And, now it's just us." said Cade.
"Yeah, just us." said Marianna.
And, as it was late, Marianna knew that it was time to go.
"Well, I should probably go home.
It's getting pretty late." said Marianna.
"Yeah, I know..." said Cade.
"Thank you for going with me, tonight." said Marianna.

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