🖤❄️Chapter 15❄️🖤🖤❄️Daylight❄️🖤

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It had been four hours, so, he was awake.
He really didn't need much sleep.
And, as he woke up, he looked at Marianna, and, saw that she was still sleeping.
He then stayed there, next to her.
And, then he looked over at the window, and, saw that it was still dark outside.
But, he didn't care, he knew that it was still going to be dark out when he woke up.
And, just because he was awake, didn't mean that he had to get up, or leave her.
So, he stayed there with her.
And, as he was lying there, he didn't wake her up, he just let her sleep.
He then touched her hand, and, held onto it.
And, as he was watching her sleep, he wondered what she was dreaming about.
So, he read her mind...
He hadn't read someone's mind while they were sleeping before.
So, he didn't know if reading her mind while she was sleeping would even work.
But, he tried anyway.
And, as he read her mind, while she was sleeping.
He could see that she was dreaming.
And, she was dreaming of him.
And, when he saw that she was dreaming of him, he smiled.
He thought that it was sweet that she was dreaming about him.
Cade then stopped reading her mind, and, just let her sleep.
He then stayed close to her.
And, as he looked over at the window, he knew that it wasn't going to be morning for a little while.
So, he closed his eyes, and, stayed close to her.
But, Cade wasn't going back to sleep, he was going to stay up.
He was just resting...

And, a little while later...
It was morning...
And, the sunlight was shining through the window.
And, when the sunlight was shining through the window, it was lighting up the room.
And, while Cade was lying next to Marianna, the sunlight was shining on his face.
And, as he opened his eyes, he looked over at the window, and, saw that it was morining.
Cade then covered up with the blanket, and, put it over his face.
He didn't really like the sunlight.
He just wasn't a morning person.

He didn't have a problem going out in the daylight, he just preferred the night.
So, as he was underneath the blanket, Marianna was still asleep.
And, as the daylight made the room a little brighter, it woke her up.
And, as she opened her eyes, she saw how bright the room was.
And, she knew that it was morning.
As Marianna looked at Cade, she wondered if he was awake.
And, as she looked at him, she saw that he was underneath the blanket.
And, she wondered why.
She thought that maybe he was still asleep.
So, she asked...
"Are you awake?" Marianna asked as she put her hand on the blanket.
"Yeah..." said Cade while underneath the blanket.
"How long have you been up?" Marianna wondered.
"Just awhile..." said Cade.
Then she asked why he was underneath the blanket.
"So, why are you hiding underneath the blanket?" Marianna asked.
I don't really like the daylight that much.
I prefer the dark better.
That's why I'm underneath the blanket." Cade explained.
"So, the daylight bothers you?" said Marianna.
"Well, no...
I just like the dark better." said Cade.
Then she wondered if he could go out in the daylight.
"Can you go out in the daylight?
Or not?" Marianna asked.
"I can go out in the daylight.
If I want to.
But, I usually wait until it's dark out." said Cade.
"Why?" Marianna wondered.
"Because, it's just easier to hide in the dark.
Than it is in the daylight." said Cade.
She then wondered if the daylight would hurt him.
So, she asked...
"If you go out in the daylight.
Will anything happen to you?" Marianna asked.

"What do you mean?" Cade wondered.
"I mean, will it hurt you?" Marianna asked.
"No, it won't hurt me.
It'll just...make it easier for people to notice me." said Cade.
And, as Marianna looked around, she wondered if it was still cold.
So, she moved the blanket away from her a little bit, to see if it was still cold in the cabin.
And, when she felt how cold it was, she covered back up with the blanket.
Then as Marianna looked at Cade, who was underneath the blanket, she moved the blanket, and, got underneath it with him.
And, as she got underneath the blanket with him, he looked over at her.
He then wondered if she was still cold.
"Are you still cold?" Cade asked as he turned over, and, faced her.
"Yeah, a little bit." said Marianna as she looked at him.
"Well, I can fix that." said Cade as he pulled her closer towards him.
And, as he pulled her closer, she got in his arms, and, he held her.
"You're still warm." said Marianna as she held onto him.
"Yeah, I know.
I thought that you'd still be cold while you slept.
So, I used my Powers to stay warm.
That way you wouldn't be cold." said Cade.
"Well, that's very sweet of you." said Marianna.
He then just held her close to him.
"Thank you..." said Marianna.
"For what?" Cade asked.
"For keeping me warm." said Marianna.
You're welcome." said Cade.
"I wish you could stay, and, keep me warm all the time." said Marianna.
"Yeah, me, too." said Cade.
Then Marianna just held onto Cade, and, stayed close to him.

And, a little while later...
Marianna had gotten up, and, so, did Cade.
And, throughout the day, he stayed with her.
They spent the day together.
They were talking, and, getting to know each other more.

And, while they were in her cabin.
Cade saw how Marianna was living.
And, he knew that she stayed all by herself, with no one ever coming to see her.
And, he knew that it would get pretty cold in the cabin, and, that she had to deal with being cold all the time.
So, he got to thinking about it...
And, thought that maybe she should stay someplace else.
He thought that maybe she would like to stay with him.
So, he asked her...
"You know...
I've been thinking about something." said Cade as he was sitting on the bed he made on the floor.
"What?" said Marianna while sitting on her bed.
"Well, I've just been wondering why you stay here." said Cade.
"I told you why.
I don't really have anywhere else to go.
So, I have to stay here." said Marianna.
"I know...
But, you're all alone here.
And, it's freezing in here a lot of the time.
And, you're just here dealing with all of it." said Cade.
"I know.
But, that's just how it is here.
And, I can't really help it." said Marianna.
"So, are you ok with everything being like this?" Cade asked.
"Well, no...
But, I don't really have a choice with the way things are here in the cabin." said Marianna.
"Would you want things to change?" Cade wondered.
"What do you mean?" Marianna asked.
"I mean, would you want someone to come by to see you?
Or to have it not be cold in here for once?" said Cade.
Then Marianna thought about that...
"Well, yeah...
I would want someone to come, and, see me once in awhile instead of being alone all the time.
And, I would like it if it wasn't so cold in here all the time.
That is something that I would like to happen.
But, it won't.

So, I might as well not complain about it." said Marianna.
Because complaining about it won't help anything." said Cade.
"Right." said Marianna.
Then he asked her if she would like to stay with him.
"So, I was thinking...
If you could go someplace else.
Would you like to leave here?" Cade asked.
"Yeah, I would like to leave...
But, I can't..." said Marianna.
"Why not?" said Cade.
"Because, I don't have anywhere else to go.
And, I don't even know where I'd go if I could.
But, I would definitely like to leave...
If I could..." said Marianna.
"Well, you could leave...
And, go somewhere else..." said Cade.
"And, where exactly would I go?
Do you know of a place I could go if I did leave?" Marianna asked.
"Yes, I do." said Cade.
"Where?" Marianna wondered.
"Well, you could come, and, stay with me...
If you want..." said Cade.
And, then she didn't say anything.
She just looked at him.
And, when he saw her just looking at him.
He wondered why.
Why are you staring at me like that?" Cade asked.
"Because, I don't know a reason why you'd want me to stay with you.
That's why." said Marianna.
"Well, the reason is...
Because, I know that you're here all alone.
And, no one ever comes to see you.
And, it's freezing in here all the time.
And, you're just here dealing with all of it.

"So, I thought that maybe you'd like to stay with me.
That way you wouldn't have to stay here, and, continue to live here like this." said Cade.
"That's sweet of you to think that.
But, there's really nothing wrong with living here like this." said Marianna.
"I know that.
And, I'm not saying it's bad that you're living here like this.
Because it's not.
I'm just saying that you shouldn't have to live here like this." said Cade.
"I know..." said Marianna.
You said yourself earlier that if you could leave, you would.
And, I'm letting you know that you can come, and, stay with me.
If you want to..." said Cade.
"That's very sweet of you.
Really." said Marianna.
"So, do you wanna come, and, stay with me?" Cade asked.
And, then Marianna thought about it...
And, while she thought about it, Cade said something.
"You don't have to stay with me.
If you don't want to.
I'm just saying you can if you don't wanna stay here anymore.
That's all." said Cade.
And, then Marianna made up her mind.
She did want to leave, and, stay with him.
So, she was going to leave, and, stay with him...
"So, what do you say?
Do you wanna stay with me?" Cade asked.
"Yeah, I do wanna go, and, stay with you." said Marianna.
"You do?" said Cade.
"Yeah, I do...
But, only if you really want me to stay with you..." said Marianna.
I want you to come, and, stay with me.
I really do." said Cade.
"Then I'll go, and, stay with you." said Marianna.
"Good..." said Cade as he smiled at her.

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