🖤❄️Chapter 16❄️🖤🖤❄️Packing Up, And, Leaving The Cabin❄️🖤

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Then she smiled back at him.
"Now, you won't be alone, or freeze anymore here." said Cade.
That'll be better.
I'm really tired of having things the way they are here." said Marianna.
"Well, when you stay with me.
Things will be different.
And, you'll be a lot happier.
I hope." said Cade.
"I'm sure that I'll be happy...with you...
No matter how things are..." said Marianna as she got up from her bed, and, sat down on the bed, on the floor, next to Cade.
"I hope so..." said Cade.
Then Marianna kissed his cheek.
And, when she did that, he looked at her.
Then he kissed her.
Marianna then got in his arms, and, stayed there.
And, Cade held onto her.
And, while he was holding onto her, he was wondering when she would like to leave.
So, he asked...
"So, when would you like to leave?" Cade asked while holding her.
"I don't know..." said Marianna.
"You could leave today." said Cade.
"I don't know if I could leave today." said Marianna.
"Why?" Cade asked.
"Because, I have my things to pack up.
And, I don't know how long that'll take.
And, then I have to move everything someplace else.
And, that'll take awhile...
So, I don't think I could leave today.
Even if I tried to.
Because, I'd have to do all of that first." Marianna explained.
"Ok, I see your point.
That is a lot to do." said Cade.
"Yeah, I know it is." said Marianna.
"Ok, so, let me think..." said Cade.


"Alright." said Marianna.
"I could help you with everything." said Cade.
"Yeah, you could help me with all of it.
But, it'll still take awhile to get everything done." said Marianna.
Cade knew that it would take awhile for her to do everything by herself.
And, even if he'd help her it would still take awhile to move everything.
But, he was a Vampire.
With Vampire Powers.
So, he could definitely help her get everything done so that she could leave.
And, since he was a Vampire, it wouldn't take that long for him to help her pack everything, and, leave.
So, he told her that.
"You know it wouldn't take that long to do everything if I helped you." said Cade.
"Yeah, I know.
But, it'll still take awhile even with your help." said Marianna.
"Not really." said Cade.
"What do you mean?" Marianna asked.
"I'm a Vampire.
And, I have Vampire Powers." said Cade.
"And?" said Marianna.
"I'm a Vampire.
I have a lot of different Abilities.
And, I can do things really fast." Cade explained.
"So, if you helped me.
I could leave today?" said Marianna.
"Yeah." said Cade.
"Ok..." said Marianna.
Marianna then kissed his cheek, and, smiled.
"So, should we start packing things?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah." said Cade.
"Ok." said Marianna as she smiled.
Cade and Marianna then got up from sitting on the floor, and were going to start packing things up.
Marianna then walked over to the closet, and, opened it.
And, as she looked into the closet, she was looking around.
She was looking for her bags.
She had two different bags that she kept in the closet.
And, as she was looking for them, she found them.

The two bags were on the floor.
She then picked them up off the floor, and, held them in her hands.
As she held the two bags in her hands, she walked away from the closet, and, walked over to Cade.
She then handed him a bag, so, that he could help her pack up her things.
"Here..." said Marianna as she handed him a bag.
"What do you want me to put in it?" Cade asked as he took the bag.
"Just put the stuff in the closet in it." said Marianna.
"Ok." said Cade.
"And, while you do that.
I'll go, and, pack the other stuff." said Marianna.
"Alright." said Cade.
Marianna then walked away from Cade, and, walked over to her bed.
Then she started to pack the things that were over by her bed.
And, while she was packing her things by the bed, Cade walked over to the closet.
And, as he looked into the closet, he saw all of her clothes, and, shoes, which wasn't very much.
She just had a couple things that she liked to wear.
And, he could see that it wouldn't take long for him to pack everything.
So, then Cade used his Vampire Speed, and, packed everything into the bag, that was in the closet.
"Well, everything's packed in here." said Cade as he stood there, next to the empty closet.
"I doubt you could've packed everything that fast." said Marianna.
And, as Marianna looked at Cade, she saw that he was done packing everything.
Then she saw that the closet was empty, and, that it was all in her bag.
"How did you do that so fast?" Marianna asked.
"I'm a Vampire, remember?" said Cade as he walked over to her.
"Yeah, I remember...
But, I keep forgetting..." said Marianna.
"Why?" Cade asked.
You act more Human, than you do a Vampire.
That's why." said Marianna.
"Really?" said Cade.
"Yeah." said Marianna.
And, Cade just smiled.
He liked that she saw him as more of a Human, than a Vampire.
No one ever really saw him that way.
And, he liked that she did.

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