🖤❄️Chapter 12❄️🖤🖤❄️Marianna's Cabin❄️🖤

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"Yeah." said Cade.
"I had a lot of fun with you." said Marianna.
"Yeah, me, too." said Cade.
Cade then kissed Marianna.
And, as he let go, she smiled at him, and, he smiled back at her.
"I should go." said Marianna.
"Alright." said Cade.
And, as Cade and Marianna stopped dancing, she let go of him, and, he let go of her.
And, as she stepped away from him, she was about to leave.
But, before she walked away from him, he asked her something.
"Wait..." said Cade as he reached for her hand.
"What?" Marianna asked as he held onto her hand.
"It's pretty late...
And, I was wondering if I...
If I could walk you home..." Cade asked.
"Yeah, you can walk me home.
If you want to." said Marianna as she smiled.
"Ok..." said Cade as he held onto her hand.
Cade then walked with Marianna, and, was walking her home.
And, while they walked, he was still holding onto her hand.
And, after awhile...
They were back at her cabin...
And, as they walked up to the cabin door, they were standing there.
And, he was still holding her hand.
"Thank you for walking me back." said Marianna.
"Yeah." said Cade.
She then got closer to him, and, kissed his cheek.
And, when she did that, he smiled.
He then kissed her.
And, as he let go, she smiled.
Marianna then let go of Cade's hand, and, he let go of hers.
She then opened the door to her cabin, and, walked into the doorway.
And, as she stood there, in the doorway, Cade wondered if she'd be ok there alone.
So, he asked...
"Are you gonna be ok here alone?" Cade asked.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." said Marianna.

And, as she stood in the doorway, Cade could see into the cabin.
He knew that her cabin was cold, and, empty.
And, he worried about her.
He wanted to protect her.
Cade then wondered if he could stay with her that night.
So, he asked...
"I know that this might sound weird to ask...
But, do you think that maybe I could stay for the night?" Cade asked.
And, when he asked that, she thought that it was very sweet of him to wanna stay.
"Uhhh, yeah...
You can stay...
If you want to..." said Marianna.
"Thanks." said Cade.
"Yeah." said Marianna.
Marianna then let Cade in the cabin.
And, as he walked in, she turned on the light, and, she shut the door.
"Are you sure you wanna stay?
I mean...
You don't have to." said Marianna.
"I'm sure.
I wanna stay." said Cade.
"Ok..." said Marianna.
Marianna then walked away from the door, and, walked over to the closet.
And, as she walked over to the closet, she then opened the closet door.
"I'm gonna get ready for bed..." said Marianna.
"Ok..." said Cade.
And, as Marianna picked up her clothes to wear to bed, she held them in her hands.
She then told him something.
"There's more blankets, and, pillows in here if you want them." said Marianna.
"Alright." said Cade.
Marianna then walked away from the closet, and, was walking to the bathroom with her night clothes in her hands.
And, as Cade walked over to the closet, he saw the other blankets, and, pillows.
And, then he took some of the blankets, and, pillows out of the closet, and, was holding them in his hands.
He then looked around the room.

And, then he wondered where he should sleep.
So, he asked...
"Marianna..." said Cade.
"Yeah." said Marianna as she turned around.
"Where should I sleep?" Cade asked while holding the blankets, and, pillows in his hands.
"You can sleep wherever you want to." said Marianna.
"Ok." said Cade.
Marianna then walked into the bathroom, and, shut the door.
And, while Marianna was in the bathroom, changing her clothes, she liked that Cade was staying over.
And, back in the other room...
Cade looked around the room, wondering where he should sleep.
Marianna told him that he could sleep wherever he wanted to.
So, as he looked around, he saw that Marianna's bed was on the floor, in the corner of the room.
And, that he could make a bed out of the blankets on the floor, in the other corner of the room, next to her bed.
So, Cade then walked over to Marianna's bed, and, made a bed out of the blankets on the floor, next to her bed.
Cade then sat down on the blankets on the floor, and, put the pillow against the wall.
And, back in the bathroom...
Marianna had changed her clothes.
And, as she was looking in the mirror, she was brushing her hair.
And, she was getting ready for bed.
So, as she was done changing her clothes, and, brushing her hair.
She picked up her other clothes, and, her shoes, and, then she walked out of the bathroom.
And, as she walked out of the bathroom, she saw that Cade had made a bed in the floor, so, that he could sleep there.
She then walked over to the closet, and, put her other clothes, and, shoes, back in the closet.
And, then she shut the closet door.
And, as she walked away from the closet, she walked over to the light, and, turned it off.
She then walked over to her bed, and, sat down.
And, as she was sitting there, she was looking at him.
She just wondered about him.
She wondered that since he was a Vampire.
If he even needed to sleep.
And, when he saw her looking at him, he wondered why.
So, he asked...

"What?" Cade asked as he looked at her.
"I was just wondering about you." said Marianna.
"What do you mean?" Cade wondered.
"I was just wondering that since you're a Vampire.
Do you even need to sleep?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, I need to sleep." said Cade.
"For how long?" Marianna wondered.
"I don't need much sleep.
I only sleep for about four hours a night.
And, then I'm up." Cade explained.
And, I thought that I didn't sleep much." said Marianna.
Cade then laughed.
"I'm gonna go to bed." said Marianna.
"Ok." said Cade.
Marianna then got into her bed, and, covered up with her blanket.
Marianna then wondered if Cade would still be there when she woke up.
"Will you still be here when I wake up?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, I will." said Cade.
Goodnight." said Marianna.
"Goodnight." said Cade.
Marianna then turned over in her bed, and, tried to go to sleep.
And, as Cade was over in his bed, he decided to lie down, and, go to sleep.
And, while he was lying there, he looked over at Marianna.
As he looked at her, he saw that she was already asleep.
Cade then tried to go to sleep, so, he closed his eyes.
And, awhile later...
Cade had fallen asleep...
But, Marianna was still up.
She couldn't sleep at all.
It was cold in the cabin.
And, because it was cold in the cabin, it was keeping her awake.
But, even though she was freezing, she tried to go back to sleep anyway.
She then pulled her blanket closer to her, to try to keep warm.
And, while she tried to go back to sleep, she was shivering.

And, as she tried to go back to sleep, Cade had woken up.
And, when he woke up, he looked over at Marianna.
And, as he looked over at her, he saw that she was shivering.
He knew that it was cold in the cabin.
And, he could see that she was freezing.
"Marianna..." said Cade as he sat up.
"What?" Marianna asked.
"Are you ok?" Cade asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." said Marianna while shivering.
"It's freezing in here.
And, I know that you're freezing, too." said Cade.
"I'll be fine..." said Marianna while freezing.
As Cade watched her, he could see how cold she was.
And, he knew that he could help her, but, he didn't know if she'd want him to help her.
So, he asked...
"If you want...
I can help you..." said Cade.
"How?" Marianna asked as she sat up.
"I can help you with my Powers." said Cade.
Marianna then thought about it...
"If you don't want my help.
That's fine.
I was just asking if you'd want my help." said Cade.
Then as Marianna thought about it, she did want his help.
"Ok, you can help me." said Marianna.
Since she wanted his help, he asked if he could get next to her.
"Do you mind if I get next to you?" Cade asked.
"No, I don't mind." said Marianna.
Cade then got up from his bed, and, he then got next to Marianna in her bed.
As he was sitting next to her, she looked at him.
He then pulled her closer to him, and, wrapped her up in her blanket.
And, as she was in his arms, she could see that he was freezing, too.
He was cold to her.
"You're freezing, too." said Marianna while in his arms.
"Yeah, I know...
But, that's only because I'm a Vampire." said Cade.

"So, if you're freezing, too.
How are you going to help me?" Marianna asked.
"Just trust me..." said Cade as he held onto her.
"Ok..." said Marianna as she held onto him.
Cade then used his Vampire Powers, and, made himself warm.
That way he could keep Marianna warm.
And, when she felt that he wasn't cold anymore.
She felt him getting warmer, and, she felt how warm he was.
And, she wondered how he did that.
She knew that he had Vampire Powers, but, she didn't know he could do that.
"You're not cold anymore.
You're warmer." said Marianna as she pulled her blanket closer.
"I know..." said Cade as he pulled her blanket closer to him, too.
"How did you do that?" Marianna asked.
"I have Vampire Powers.
Remember?" said Cade.
"Yeah, I remember.
But, I didn't know that you could do that." said Marianna.
"Well, I can..." said Cade as he pulled her closer to him.
As Marianna held onto Cade, she didn't feel as cold anymore.
She felt a little warmer.
Then after awhile...
Marianna fell asleep, in his arms.
And, as Cade was holding her, he saw that she had fallen asleep.
So, he put her back in her bed, and, covered her up with her blanket.
As Cade saw that Marianna was asleep, he wondered if he should stay with her because she was cold.
He didn't want to go back to his bed, if she would get cold again.
So, he decided to stay with her.
That way he'd keep her warm.
Cade then got into her bed, and, stayed there next to her.
He knew that if he stayed there next to her, he'd still be keeping her warm.
So, he stayed there with her.

And, awhile later...
Cade was still up, and, Marianna was still asleep.
And, as Marianna was asleep, she turned over.

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