7.11 End

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Hall was silent for a while, then said softly, "Okay."

The group followed behind Hall and Colby, walked around the silent and empty corridors, around the layered palaces, and finally stopped outside an extremely ordinary-looking room.

Hall said: "My mother... It's here. Since the outbreak of the war, she has locked herself in here and doesn't allow anyone to come in. I haven't seen her until now."

More things, Hall didn't tell Colby, and he didn't plan to tell Colby, because telling him wouldn't help, and it wouldn't counteract what his mother had done to Colby. His mother had done a lot of wrong things. For her own power, she stepped on other people's bones, and she didn't feel any guilt. But in the past few years, I don't know if it was because she was getting old, but she looked down on a lot of things, and began to live in seclusion, eating fast and chanting Buddha.

Colby stood silent for a long time at the door, and finally grabbed the doorknob and slammed it open.

The decor in the room is extraordinarily simple. A white bed, a desk, and two chairs are the only things in this small room. There was only a piece of parchment on the clean desk, and the ink writing on it had been dried.

On the bed lay a woman with white hair. She is actually not very old, only in her forties, but her skin is loose and wrinkled, like an old man with half a foot in a coffin. Colby and Hall remembered how she looked when she was young, and even though she was the person Colby hated most, Colby had to admit that she was a stunning beauty when she was young. The palace as dark as a mudflat squeezed her aura, turning her into mud in a mud pond. There was a dagger stuck in her chest, the black blood on her clothes had dried up, and she smiled peacefully with her eyes closed, as if relieved.

"Queen Mother!" Hall exclaimed, immediately kneeling in front of her bed, tears suddenly welling up.

He had always understood that he didn't like his mother. She didn't give him enough attention to understand his ambitions, but now, when she died here alone, he felt a lot of guilt and sadness. Anyway, this is his mother!

Colby's mood changed from shock to fury. He hugged his head and squatted down, punched the floor, and looked at the person on the bed with a distorted expression. How could she kill herself? How could she just walk away after committing one sin? How can she!

"Huh? Here's a letter to Colby."

Angela was the closest to the desk, she was the first to discover the letter on the desk, picked up the parchment and handed it to the lost Colby with a complicated expression. She never thought that things would develop like this, and now she feels a little pity for this man.

Colby felt Angela's worried gaze, he forced a smile at her, took the parchment and started reading. He stared at the piece of paper, wanting to pierce a hole in the paper. He clenched the letter tightly, the joints were white due to excessive force, and the paper was squeezed out of shape by him.

The letter contained only a few words: "From the moment the war broke out, I knew you were back, Colby. I have recognized my mistakes, and the hurt I have done to you, I will pay with my death. I just hope you don't take anger on Hall, I remember that when you were young, you had the best relationship, he has never forgotten you for so many years, and has always hated me because I abandoned you."

Colby finally couldn't bear the drastic changes in his mood that day, and covered his face and cried silently.

He suddenly felt that what he had done was so pointless. The person he likes likes others, the person he hates is dead, his only relative, uncle, has passed away, and his mother will never come back, so what's the point of doing all this?

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