9.1 Seduce High-IQ Criminal Geniuses

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When Gu Yiling woke up, he was lying on a bed in a simple rental room. The small single bed was only padded with a thin layer of fabric, and the wooden board made his back hurt. He looked up blankly, only an old fan was crunching on the ceiling, the cicadas were humming outside the window, and the heat wave in the room was wanton.

This is still a modern world, and the story is about an innocent and beautiful campus story.

The male protagonist of this world is named Chen Zijin, while the female protagonist is named Su Muyan.

Chen Zijin is the only son of the police chief's family in this city. He has grown into an ignorant and ignorant second-generation rich man because of his family's favor and friends. The daily routine is to drive a sports car for a ride, go to the bar to dance and dance, and his academic performance is in a mess.

And the heroine Su Muyan is an ordinary girl, with all the textbook-like "enthusiasm" and nosy of the heroines of silly white sweet idol dramas. On the first day of the university, Su Muyan caught Chen Zijin's attention for helping a classmate who was bullied by Chen Zijin. From then on, the two fought against Maimang on campus, and neither of them would bow their heads.

In the process of confrontation, the two gradually discovered the advantages of each other. They changed from dead enemies to happy enemies. After going through a series of school idol drama routines, they finally came together. And the male protagonist, with the encouragement of the female protagonist, got rid of his role.

The bad habits of the second generation of officials have become a glorious people's police.

Just when the hero and heroine were arguing with each other, they didn't realize that there was another person hiding in the dark, quietly guarding the heroine. He was the villain of this world - Ji Chuxing.

On the surface, Ji Chuxing is an ordinary person, but in fact, he is a well-known hacker on the Internet. Unlike other hackers, Ji Chuxing obtained nearly one million funds through a loophole in the silver security system at the age of fourteen. In addition, he also laundered money for some illegal organizations and obtained high commissions from them. When he was caught and arrested, everyone couldn't believe that the "Star Chasing" who played the police's tricks on the Internet turned out to be an underage child in real life. The dark life in the orphanage has downplayed Ji Chuxing's concept of right and wrong. He is not eager for money, but enjoys the thrill of a crime that controls everything.

The three people who were supposed to have nothing to do with each other changed because Ji Chuxing left the orphanage and rented a house opposite the hostess' house. Su Muyan's kindness, warmth and concern were something he had never felt in other people before, and he couldn't help being moved by the heroine's smile. Even if he had to leave later in order to avoid the police's investigation, he still took the heroine's heart to heart.

After learning that Su Muyan and Chen Zijin were together, the jealous Ji Chuxing stabbed Chen Zijin on the street, then kidnapped Su Muyan, imprisoned her, and forced her to be with him.

The heartbroken Su Muyan worries about the safety of her lover while dealing with Ji Chuxing, gaining Ji Chuxing's trust. During this period, she learned that Ji Chuxing was the criminal "Chasing Xing" that the police were looking for. She took the news from Ji Chuxing's mouth, secretly passed it to the police, and became an undercover agent installed by the police around Ji Chuxing. Three months later, the police who had collected enough criminal evidence successfully captured Ji Chuxing and rescued Su Muyan. And the male protagonist, Chen Zijin, has grown into a man who can take charge of himself during these three months of torment.

During the arrest, the unsuspecting Ji Chuxing was stabbed from behind by Su Muyan. He looked at Su Muyan who was still smiling at him one second, and the next second he was held in Chen Zijin's arms, and said to him fiercely, "This is what you owe Zijin! You disgusting criminal!"

This knife almost killed Ji Chuxing, but it seemed that God didn't want him to die so easily. He finally survived and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. The best twenty years of his life were spent in prison, from the age of eighteen to thirty-eight.

This is a beautiful love story belonging to Chen Zijin and Su Muyan, and has nothing to do with Ji Chuxing.

After watching the plot, Gu Yiling took out a cigarette from his pocket, sat on the head of the bed, lit it with a lighter, and took a deep breath, slightly suppressing the sadness and violence in his heart.

This time, he couldn't change the villain's fate.

Because everything has become an established fact, it is now the thirteenth year of Ji Chuxing's imprisonment.

The original owner, Shen An, was just a prison guard who was about to take office in Ji Chuxing Prison. The fate of the two intersected at a certain point, and then they continued to walk along the established trajectory.

Gu Yiling threw the cigarette butt on the concrete floor and crushed it with the sole of his shoe.

No matter what, he will not give up Ji Chuxing.

When the genius was slightly bright, Gu Yiling got up and changed his clothes, ready to go to work.

He'd been working for days and basically figured out what was going on in the prison. Prison conditions are not bad, one person is one cell, but they still have to bear heavy labor. The prison is full of felons, and some of them are extremely vicious. Ji Chuxing's life in it is not good.

The stained mirror in the bathroom was split in half by a crack, imprinting a pale, clean face.

The handsome and good-looking face like a star looks a bit feminine, but his eyes are full of coldness and majesty, which makes people unable to help but laugh at him and respect him. The white shirt was buttoned up to the top, not revealing a bit of spring, but instead revealed a sense of abstinence.

This kind of aloofness makes people want to put him on the bed and cry.

Although Ji Chuxing is miserable enough, the original owner is not much better.

As the best graduate of the police academy, a man in his thirties, he was originally a special police officer, but because he offended his boss, he was downgraded to a prison guard and ran to see the prison in despair.

All the wages were used to treat my mother in my hometown. As a result, my mother went, and I did not leave any savings. He obviously has a beautiful face, but because his personality is too serious, he can't rub a little sand in his eyes, so he has never been in love once.

Gu Yiling sighed, rode a small broken bicycle to the prison, greeted his colleagues on the night shift, and started his daily inspection.

He is in charge of Area A where Ji Chuxing is located. After the radio played the wake-up music, he opened the prison doors one by one and clicked to make sure that no prisoners escaped at night, and then informed them to have breakfast. In the last cell, Gu Yiling saw Ji Chuxing huddled at the foot of the bed.

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