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Chu Yuexin was escorted to the adjacent lounge by the assistant. Even after five years, her innocent appearance remained unchanged. During those years, she had been accepted into an ordinary university but didn't seek employment after graduation. Instead, she relied on Xu Sixuan's money to sustain her lifestyle, hoping to marry into a wealthy family.

Oh, the foolish self-confidence of someone blessed with luck!

Just a few days ago, Xu Sixuan finally broached the topic of marriage with her.

With roses, red wine, and a candlelit dinner, Chu Yuexin wore a handmade red dress. Xu Sixuan, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, gazed affectionately at her shy face and placed a masonry ring on her finger. She felt elated, as if floating on clouds, with a golden path leading to the upper class laid out before her.

After dinner, they celebrated the Lunar New Year together at a hotel. It was at this moment that Xu Sixuan mentioned his plan in detail and requested her to obtain something from the Gu family.

"Gu's? Gu Yiling?" Chu Yuexin's past fear and resentment towards Gu Yiling resurfaced upon hearing this. She had always been afraid that Gu Yiling would expose the things she framed him for in high school. The prospect of potentially ruining him filled her with fear, resentment, and a distorted desire to marry into a wealthy family. With little thought, she agreed to Xu Sixuan's request.

Seeing her agreement, Xu Sixuan smiled with satisfaction, and their actions on the bed became gentler.

In the past few years, he had taken over the affairs of the Xu family in country J and managed them successfully. However, this accomplishment still wasn't enough in the eyes of the head of the Xu family, who had long set his sights on the riches of the Gu family.

Gu Yiling had been aware of these developments for a while but wasn't concerned in the slightest. Since Xu Sixuan had taken the initiative to present himself, Gu Yiling would accompany him in the upcoming game of chess. In the end, it was uncertain who would emerge as the victor. This was also why he had summoned Chu Yuexin.

At that moment, Chu Yuexin sat nervously in the waiting room, anxiously awaiting Gu Yiling's arrival. She had been waiting for almost two hours and was growing impatient when the two finally entered the room.

"Shen Junling, why are you here?" Chu Yuexin looked at him in surprise.

Shen Junling didn't spare her a glance. Instead, he embraced Gu Yiling and walked directly to the sofa, where they sat down and kissed each other. Gu Yiling was momentarily stunned, but then helplessly reciprocated the kiss.

After their intimate moment, Gu Yiling raised his gaze and glanced indifferently at the stunned Chu Yuexin. His voice was hoarse as he said, "He is my boyfriend."

He knew that his partner was asserting his dominance and warning Chu Yuexin to stay away. He found his partner's behavior amusing and endearing, but he still went along with it, reassuring his partner. In recent years, Shen Junling's favorability towards Chu Yuexin had plummeted to a negative value.

Chu Yuexin carefully concealed the disgust and disdain in her eyes. She didn't understand Shen Junling's warning at all and believed that he was with Gu Yiling for his money. She knew that Gu Yiling liked Shen Junling, but she couldn't fathom why Shen Junling would be interested in Gu Yiling. In her eyes, Shen Junling must be with Gu Yiling simply because he couldn't find anyone else. After all, she

couldn't comprehend what someone like Gu Yiling, with no background or education, had to offer. She genuinely couldn't understand why Gu Yiling liked him.

Gu Yiling could easily discern Chu Yuexin's thoughts and sneered inwardly. Did she really think everyone was like her?

He leaned lazily against Shen Junling and casually asked, "Tell me, why are you here with me?"

Chu Yuexin nervously clutched the hem of her skirt and stammered, "I... hope you can... help me..." Aware of her strengths, she blushed, chose her words carefully, and appeared pitiable.

Gu Yiling fell silent, waiting for her next words.

"I couldn't attend a good college... and couldn't find a decent job... my mother lost her job again... and we're going through tough times... I want to work at Gu's... I'll do anything... I know I've wronged you... But I'm desperate... I've felt guilty all these years and have always wanted an opportunity to apologize to you. Even if you're willing to forgive me, I hope we can continue to be best friends..." Her voice choked, tears streaming down her face like beads. She portrayed a pitiful image of a weeping beauty.

The lounge was filled with Chu Yuexin's sobs. Gu Yiling's eyes softened, and his expression became much gentler. It seemed that Chu Yuexin's words had stirred up memories from the past.

He asked Chu Yuexin in a soft tone, "Is everything you said true?"

Chu Yuexin, fearing disbelief, nodded with tearful eyes, looking at Gu Yiling pleadingly.

Gu Yiling sighed helplessly and said, "Report to the personnel department tomorrow. They will arrange a job for you."

Chu Yuexin expressed her surprise and gratitude before exchanging a few pleasantries and leaving in a hurry.

"Her acting skills are truly remarkable. It's a shame she isn't in the movies, as she could win an Oscar for this performance." Gu Yiling's expression turned icy, no longer as gentle as before.

You and your mother have no jobs, yet you live comfortably. The money that Lu Kunpeng extorted from the Gu family to support his mistress for the past 20 years is quite substantial!

Shen Junling looked at his partner's increasingly cold expression, caressed his face, and asked, "Why did you keep her around?" He couldn't believe that his partner did so out of lingering feelings for her. Through their time together, he had learned that his partner, like himself, was indifferent and ruthless but capable of intense love.

Gu Yiling toyed with his slender fingers. "I'm casting a long line to catch a big fish."

"Be careful not to drown yourself. Let me know if you need help. Don't be too stubborn."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

In the previous life, it was around this time that the Gu Group began its downfall. The original owner had inherited his grandfather's business and kindly hired a friend who couldn't find a job as his secretary. He intended to train his friend for a few years and promote her to a higher position. However, Chu Yuexin felt humiliated by being at the original owner's beck and call. After a while, she stole documents and handed them over to Xu Sixuan, leading to the downfall of the Gu family group. Shen Junling played a significant role in this.

During the company's desperate times, he turned to Shen Junling for help. Shen Junling's cold gaze pierced him like thousands of bayonets, causing him unbearable pain and suffocation.

"You've bullied Yuexin for so many years. It's time to repay her for what you owe," Shen Junling had declared.

Gu Yiling reached out and caressed Shen Junling's face, tracing his features carefully. Suddenly, his pure black peach blossom eyes darkened, their depths unfathomable.

"What's wrong?" Shen Junling kissed his eyes.

Gu Yiling averted his gaze and shook his head. "It's nothing."

Shen Junling, in this life, you mustn't do anything to disappoint me.

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