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Gu Yiling has been calm about the fact that he is always staying on someone with a tragic fate. He calmed down the tumbling emotions in his heart and silently walked towards the exit of the copy.

A door suddenly appeared on the forest road with tall trees growing on both sides. The inside of the door was milky white like mist, which made people wonder, where does this door lead to?

Gu Yiling's footsteps did not stop at all, and walked straight out of the door.

The mist of Bai Huahua quickly dissipated, and it was a scene completely different from that of the Flaming Forest. The pure white and wide hall, the curved long table, the bustling swordsman, the player dressed as a magician, the NPC designed as a white-bearded grandfather is wearing a robe, holding a crystal ball, and smiling mysteriously.

This is a dungeon teleportation hall in the game, and the dungeon of the flame forest is entered here.

The blond and blue-eyed youth clearly just walked out of the portal as if he had met others, but he instantly attracted everyone's attention. It only took a while, and almost everyone knew that he had completed the first kill of the "Flaming Forest" dungeon. The hall seems to have become his stage, and everyone has become his background.

The white-bearded NPC suddenly let out a "hehehe" smile, and walked to Gu Yiling with a stooped waist and said, "Congratulations for defeating the flaming lion and saving the forest of flames, you are our hero!"

Gu Yiling nodded indifferently to the NPC, and walked towards the exit indifferently. The players' hot, admiring or jealous eyes did not stop him.

Such an aloof young man who looks so bright, it seems that he doesn't want his followers to follow him and chase after him to set off his brilliance, so that people only dare to watch from a distance, but dare not lean in easily. But no one knew that he also longed for the warmth of his friends, and longed for the heartfelt congratulations surrounded by friends after completing the first kill of the dungeon.

It's not that he hasn't tried to reach out to others, but those people are either jealous, or they have already deified him, no one wants to really enter his heart, and he himself refuses to communicate with others. I didn't take him as a friend, and over time, he became more and more indifferent. Because of this, he cared so much about the heroine Xia Mingmei, who was the first person to contact him, approached him, and gave him sporadic warmth.

After coming out of the teleportation hall, we soon arrived at Delphi City.

"Dark Continent" is not only a fighting online game, it is determined to present a complete Xixuan world, and anyone can find fun in this game. If you don't like fighting, you can experience the fun of Xixuan's life in the game, which is why this game is so popular one.

As one of the three major cities in the game, Delphi City occupies an important position in the game.

On the lively streets are Western-style houses made of quaint stone materials. Occasionally, you can see a few Gothic or Baroque churches. Players come and go wearing different skins. A person smug about pets.

Because the image in the game is completely shaped according to the player's real appearance, only the hair color and eye color can be changed according to one's own wishes, so there is no cookie-cutter face like other online games. Although most of them are young people on the road, there are also some middle-aged and elderly people and small children, which looks like the real world.

Even Gu Yiling couldn't help being attracted by this world. Although the holographic online games in this world were still far from the Interstellar Lightyear where he was, they still had a different flavor.

He strolled around the city for a while, from the battle stage where the fierce fighting was being held, the player service center to the famous tavern in the city, the store displaying the latest skins, and finally stopped at the gate of the original owner's guild, the Aotian Guild. forward.

The first thing Gu Yiling had to do was to sever ties with the Aotian Guild.

He is similar to the original owner Lin Qianfeng, but he is not the original owner Lin Qianfeng. Although he longs for the warmth of someone's company, he does not demand it. Pride, self-esteem and excessive insecurity make him never exchange the humble warmth by wronging himself. He will only open up unsuspectingly to someone he truly loves, provided that person does the same.

Aotian Guild is not a very powerful guild, it is only because of the original owner Lin Qianfeng and the male lead Shao Chenfei that it barely ranks in the "Dark Continent".

As soon as Gu Yiling walked into the guild, Xia Mingmei, who was chatting happily with a group of male players, spotted him sharply, waved to him, and shouted happily, "Rufeng, are you back?" It was not her who left the original owner in the dungeon just now.

The male players around her all showed envious expressions, looking at Gu Yiling's expression as if he had seen an enemy. Especially the male protagonist Shao Chenfei, when he was listening to Xia Mingmei's words, his expression was extremely gentle, but when he saw him, his face instantly turned gloomy, like a sea snake hiding in the dark and ready to attack.

Gu Yiling watched Xia Mingmei bring seven or eight people towards him, as if she saw a brainless goblin with claws and claws, followed by seven or eight stallions, she couldn't bear to look directly.

Xia Mingmei walked in front of Gu Yiling, and just wanted to speak, but found that Gu Yiling didn't even give her a look, and walked right in front of her. She was stunned for a while, and then embarrassment and anger appeared on her face. She had never been treated like this before, especially from the original owner. Although the original owner is indifferent, she has always been more gentle to her than others, which is what she has been able to show off to other female players.

Xia Mingmei stared at Gu Yiling's back, bit her red lips lightly, her eyes were slightly red, and she looked unspeakable and pitiful.

Seeing the appearance of their goddess, the male players were instantly angry. Shao Chenfei took the lead in standing up for Xia Mingmei. He stood in front of Gu Yiling to block his way, and smiled sarcastically: "Yo, what's wrong? Done? "Flame Forest" The first kill of the copy is amazing?! Mingmei is talking to you, you pretend not to see?! Are the eyes long on the top of the head or blind?!"

Hearing Shao Chenfei's words, the male players laughed out of anger, and laughed very loudly, as if they were afraid that Gu Yiling would not hear. This is not the first time that Shao Chenfei and others have ridiculed Gu Yiling in public, but the original owner is always silent and has never defended himself.

They didn't vent their anger for Xia Mingmei at all, they just needed an excuse to vent their ugly jealousy. By suppressing and ridiculing people who are better than you, you can prove that it is nothing more than that, in order to cover up your own badness and failure.

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