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It's a strange interstellar light-year. It stands to reason that even though the interstellar light-years of each world are different in terms of expression, they are generally the pinnacle of human civilization. But in this interstellar light-year, although the marriage system is monogamous, in the upper class, it has already existed in name only.

This is a retrogression of civilization, when the system can no longer contain the wanton growth of selfish desires.

Eric sighed deeply, hugged Colby, and patted him on the back lightly for comfort, "It's okay, it doesn't matter, we all understand..."


The largest battle between Emperor Star and the Southwest Federation took place in the Noah system extension.

This was an important battle that was recorded in textbooks by later generations. Both sides dispatched a huge number of spaceships, mechas and advanced weapons. The Southwest Federation's combat readiness was significantly better due to years of accumulation and the support of star thieves, but the imperial army was commanded by Angela as the heroine, and it caught the Southwest Federation by surprise.

In the end, although the Southwest Federation won and captured the heroine Angela, it also suffered heavy losses.

The star thieves did not embarrass Angela, and they all admired this woman who led the army and confronted them by herself. Angela is not hypocritical. Although her freedom is restricted, she should eat and sleep every day. She also understands that at this time, it is not good for herself to fight against the star thief and get through with herself.

One night, Gu Yiling secretly entered the bedroom where Angela was imprisoned.

Angela immediately jumped up from the bed, looking at Gu Yiling warily and suspiciously.

Gu Yiling smiled and said, "Angela, it's been a long time. Do you remember me? I'm Kerwin."

"Korwyn?" Angela's expression remained the same, but her brows were wrinkled, obviously her doubts deepened. After so many years, she has long forgotten the boy who was rescued by her but quickly disappeared from the campus.

Gu Yiling expected this to happen, so she was ready to put down her bangs and took out heavy glasses and put them on the bridge of her nose. Covering his beautiful ice-blue eyes, the bangs that reached his nose made him look a little dead. If Angela hadn't seen how dazzling and unique this thin and beautiful teenager was standing in the middle of a group of five big and three thick star thieves, Angela couldn't believe they were the same person.

The person in front of him and a certain figure in memory overlapped, and Angela blurted out: "Ke... Korwin?"

Gu Yiling lifted his bangs, took off his glasses, and revealed a pair of shining eyes that people will never forget after seeing them once. He smiled and said, "Finally remember me?"

"Why are you here?" Angela was a little happy when she saw her old classmate, but she was quickly pulled back by reason, showing a wary expression, she didn't forget that the star thieves called him the young captain, " Are you a star thief now? What do you have to do with me? If you want to get information about the imperial army from me under the banner of an old classmate, then forget it."

"You think too much." Gu Yiling hugged her chest against the wall, and said lightly, "I just want to remind you, don't think about running away, you can't escape here. We won't hurt Hall, just There are things to settle between Colby and Hall."

Angela's brows frowned deeper, "What can Hall and Colby have to solve? Do they know each other? Hall never mentioned Colby to me."

"You'll know when the time comes." Gu Yiling didn't plan to tell her that this was a matter between Colby and Hall. If it wasn't for 233, he wouldn't know that there was still a relationship between Colby and Hall. A story, "It's getting late, go to bed early."

Gu Yiling walked out of the room, leaving Angela standing there with a complicated expression.

Gu Yiling knew that this battle, whether Colby won or Hall won, could lead the world into a better era. But in his heart, he prefers Colby, who has been with him for so many years.


Colby stood in front of the spacecraft's console and initiated a secret call to Emperor Star Palace.
The star thieves and the generals of the Southwest Federation stood quietly behind Colby, waiting for the call to start. Outside the window of the spacecraft is an endless deep blue, and inside the spacecraft can only hear the transmission sound of 'Drip Di Di Di'.

Colby stared at the progress bar that was beating back and forth on the screen, his palms on the screen involuntarily tightened, until a beam of light emitted from the console, the beam gradually spread out to form an image, and a man appeared in the middle of the image. figure.

The man was about thirty years old, wearing a solid gold crown inlaid with a ring of precious blue and emeralds, a heavy's long cloak spread out on the floor. He sat on the wide throne with a high raised back, his slender hands resting on the handles made of mahogany, and his back was straight. Even in an unfavorable situation, his handsome face did not have any superfluous expressions. Appear not to be angry.

Gu Yiling stood behind Eric and silently looked at Hall, the male protagonist of this world, the son of luck. He had to admit that among all the worlds in this mission, apart from Lei Aofeng, Hall was the one that he hated the most.

Hall's eyes turned around Colby and fell on Eric, who was still strong even when he was standing at the back of the crowd. He may also know that this seems to be a war between Emperor Star and the Southwest Federation, but without the support of the Star Thieves, the Southwest Federation will never be able to compete with Emperor Star. However, why did the Ruined Star Thieves Group, which has always been with Noah's Empire, firmly support the Southwest Federation?

Colby twitched the corners of his mouth, but the smile was so ugly, his once amorous eyes were now like a pool of stagnant water. He seems to be a broken puppet, the corners of his mouth are pulled by the thread and he makes a voice that does not belong to him: "Prince Hall, oh no, now you should be called Emperor Hall, hello. The video we sent you Have you seen it? Your queen is really beautiful."

Hall's eyes fell back on Colby again. He looked at Colby's sad eyes, and was dazed for a moment, but he quickly lowered his expression and said solemnly, "What do you want?" In their hands, Hall knew he had no terms to negotiate.

Angela, Angela, is Angela that important to you?

Is it for her that I let you do anything? Even giving up your hard-earned throne? And we, is it impossible from the beginning?

Colby closed his eyes in pain, opened them again, his eyes had regained clarity, "Let all the troops you are still resisting surrender, and withdraw the garrison guarding near the capital. Otherwise, I can't guarantee Angela's safety. "

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