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Ning Chenzhi never thought that he would miss someone so much.

When Gu Yiling was away, it was as if the whole family was his shadow. The clothes he had worn, the water glass he had used, the pillow he habitually held on the sofa... It was only just over a month after his marriage, and his home was full of traces of his life. Ning Chenzhi has always been alone, he has never felt inappropriate, and he has never felt the so-called loneliness and loneliness, but now Ning Chenzhi feels that not seeing Gu Yiling is like losing his life. The air is suffocating.

Opening the wardrobe, Ning Chenzhi took out Gu Yiling's robe, buried his head deeply in the clothes, and felt the faint breath of Gu Yiling left in the clothes.

Only in this way can the pain of missing in Ning Shenzhi's heart be eased a little.

Ning Chenzhi did not expect that something happened to Gu Yiling when he was about to return home.

There was a musty smell in the dim and shabby room. Several wooden pillars that were about to rot barely supported the roof, which looked crumbling; piercing straws were randomly placed on the damp ground, and a dozen people looked tired. The man just sat on the ground like this, the expression on his face looked anxious and empty.

This is the seventh day since they were captured by the bandits.

Gu Yiling, who was sitting in the corner, slowly opened a pair of closed eyes. He looked a little calmer than the others, but his frown betrayed his irritability. He whispered in his mind: [233, how is the situation outside now? ! 】

He did not expect that Qi Shaoze would dare to find bandits to kidnap him! He let Qi Shaoze jump for a few more days, and Qi Shaoze really thought he was easy to bully?

Gu Yiling was so angry that he had already gone back a week late, and Ning Chenzhi must have gone crazy now.

233: [Ning Chenzhi's side is in chaos now, he wants to lead the army to suppress this group of bandits. But this hill is too far from the city, I am afraid it will take three or four days to get there. As for the bandits, they didn't know you were from Ning Chenzhi at first, but now they know, they're scared to death. Qi Shaoze wanted them to kill you, but the bandits dared not. Now they disagree and quarrel. 】

Saying this, 233 couldn't help rolling his eyes. This can also be noisy, can't you find some reliable people? With this IQ, how can you fight the host?

Gu Yiling sighed, he could have escaped, but he couldn't leave those loyal friends who followed the original owner behind. And when he is here, those bandits don't dare to touch them for the time being, considering Ning Shenzhi's deterrent power; if he leaves, who knows what those crazy bandits will do.

Now they had no choice but to wait for Ning Chenzhi to rescue them.

Tiangong is not beautiful. The rainstorm washed the mountains and forests, and the ground was muddy. The gang of bandits were forced to stop and stationed on the side of the road.

Ning Chenzhi held an umbrella and stood under the tree. The fragile umbrella was completely unable to withstand the violent storm. His eyelashes were covered with water droplets. The dark green military uniform was dyed dark green by the rain. The loops of the terry were stained with soil, and the original color could not be seen.

The coolness in the air seemed to make his stern brows and eyes look like frost. He stared at the distant mountain top in the rain, his face expressionless, but his drooping hands had long been clenched into fists and kept trembling. .

He didn't dare to imagine, he didn't dare to imagine what Gu Yiling would experience, and he couldn't imagine what Gu Yiling would do if something happened. He had only been together for two months, but he felt that without the young master, he would not have the courage to live in this world. This idea came so suddenly and unbelievably, but it made Ning Chenzhi so convinced.

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