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An array of colours danced across his eyes. "Strawberry, where are you? I can't see you-"

And a stranger tugged the back of his shirt... as a car sped by and a sound was heard.

The violent honking of a horn, and Strawberry's barking as the dog head-butted his leg. "Are you okay?"

He turned his head in the direction of the voice, and she was the first thing he'd ever seen. He was in shock, and he didn't know if it was from the angel standing in front of him, or his near death. Strawberry was still pawing at his feet, and he was still looking at her.

"Well, please try to be more careful, you could've died!" The girl smiled, and turned around to leave.

He shouted, "wait!" And grabbed her arm. "Let me buy you a drink, it's the least I can do."

She grinned, "I'm only thirteen, you know," but she didn't walk away.

He smiled, "me too, I'm Kasai, by the way, Kasai Kagakutekina, I live just down the street."

They walked side by side, Strawberry circled them, the leash gradually pulling them closer, and she said, "I'm y/n l/n, I hope we can be great friends."


Final note:

Hi everyone!!! Thank you so much for making it this far, this is my first proper story and honestly I didn't expect it to get this much attention, I mean it's been #1 in arson for a few weeks now lmao, I don't expect it to stay there but really wow. 
Thanks to everyone for bearing with me, it did take me like, almost a year to finish this story, being in my last year of school is a bit stressful, so thank you all for putting up with my painfully slow updates.
Writing Ichigo's character was difficult in some areas, since he's a sort of criminal mastermind who's... well... blind.  The type of blindness that he has actually exists, cerebral visual impairment (CVI), and as the name implies, it's a blindness to do with an issue in the brain, explaining why he can see y/n who he views as a type of saviour, not sure how accurate it is scientifically buuuut you're reading a wattpad, what do you expect?  Either way, this epilogue is kind of the alternative result of the day when Ichigo officially snaps, so as CVI is usually treated in younger years, in this version he wouldn't have gotten really depressed and he would've received treatment for his condition and probably grown up to be pretty much normal.
I have another story in my drafts, so I'll post the prologue for anyone who wants to check it out.  The updates will probably be as slow as for this story (extremely sorry about that) but if you enjoyed this story I'd really appreciate it!!


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