Chapter 12

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A/N: Hey guys it is me again. I really would really like your feed back other then one person so please it is hard for me to keep writing for what feels like only one person.So please tell my your opinion and please comment vote and follow!!!! :-) Last time on Love at first sight....................................

Leo's POV

After Saphria hanged up up I was frozen. 'Bye my repair boy, I love you.' That was what she said . Did she mean it? Yes she must have!!!!!!! But then again it could have been a mistake....uh why is love so hard!!!!!!

After a while I got a text message from Saphria.

( Saphria is normal text while Leo is Bold)

Hey Leo what do you think of my drawing?( Pic above)

Hey Saphria and that can't be real......

Um actually it is.

REALLY!! That is amazing Saphria I knew you were a good drawing but not this good!!!

Well yeah I only drew it a couple minutes ago.

This must of taken forever to draw!

Well actually it only took me about half an hour.

WHAT!!!! That is unbelievable Sunshine but for some reason it is totally believable as well.

Thanks Leo that was really sweet of you.

I smelled something weird so I followed the smell to see Festus peeing on the couch.

Um sorry I got to go Festus is peeing on the couch.

Oh you better go then. Bye repair boy.

Bye Sunshine.

Saphria's POV

I putted my phone in my pocket and took the drawing in my room. I got a tack and went to my desk and pinned it above it. I sat on my bed and gazed at my drawing and a warm feeling raised in my heart and a small smile formed on my lips.

A/N: Hey guys this is Saphria Jackson and this was a short chapter. I will br updating these types of chapters for now on because there was one vote from they voted short ones so yeah be expecting a lot of updates so this is @SaphriaJackson  signing out with all that demigodness and stuff. Peace Out!!!

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